首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Heuristics >Stochastic Pareto local search: Pareto neighbourhood exploration and perturbation strategies

Stochastic Pareto local search: Pareto neighbourhood exploration and perturbation strategies


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Pareto local search (PLS) methods are local search algorithms for multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems based on the Pareto dominance criterion. PLS explores the Pareto neighbourhood of a set of non-dominated solutions until it reaches a local optimal Pareto front. In this paper, we discuss and analyse three different Pareto neighbourhood exploration strategies: best, first, and neutral improvement. Furthermore, we introduce a deactivation mechanism that restarts PLS from an archive of solutions rather than from a single solution in order to avoid the exploration of already explored regions. To escape from a local optimal solution set we apply stochastic perturbation strategies, leading to stochastic Pareto local search algorithms (SPLS). We consider two perturbation strategies: mutation and path-guided mutation. While the former is unbiased, the latter is biased towards preserving common substructures between 2 solutions. We apply SPLS on a set of large, correlated bi-objective quadratic assignment problems (bQAPs) and observe that SPLS significantly outperforms multi-start PLS. We investigate the reason of this performance gain by studying the fitness landscape structure of the bQAPs using random walks. The best performing method uses the stochastic perturbation algorithms, the first improvement Pareto neigborhood exploration and the deactivation technique.
机译:帕累托局部搜索(PLS)方法是基于帕累托优势准则的多目标组合优化问题的局部搜索算法。 PLS探索一组非支配解的Pareto邻域,直到达到局部最优Pareto前沿。在本文中,我们讨论并分析了三种不同的帕累托邻里探索策略:最佳,第一和中性改进。此外,我们引入了一种停用机制,该机制从解决方案的存档而不是从单个解决方案重新启动PLS,以避免探索已经探索过的区域。为了摆脱局部最优解集,我们应用了随机扰动策略,从而导致了随机Pareto局部搜索算法(SPLS)。我们考虑两种摄动策略:突变和路径引导突变。尽管前者没有偏见,但后者偏向于保留2个解决方案之间的公共子结构。我们将SPLS应用于一组大型,相关的双目标二次分配问题(bQAP),并观察到SPLS的性能明显优于多起点PLS。我们通过使用随机游走研究bQAP的适应度景观结构来研究这种性能提升的原因。性能最佳的方法是使用随机扰动算法,首先改进的帕累托邻域探索和停用技术。



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