首页> 外文期刊>Journal for general philosophy of science >Nikolay Milkov, Volker Peckhaus (eds): The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science Volume 273): Springer, New York, 2013, 332 pp, €106.95, ISBN: 978-94-007-5484-3

Nikolay Milkov, Volker Peckhaus (eds): The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science Volume 273): Springer, New York, 2013, 332 pp, €106.95, ISBN: 978-94-007-5484-3

机译:尼古拉·米尔科夫(Nikolay Milkov),沃尔克·佩克豪斯(Volker Peckhaus)(编辑):柏林小组和逻辑经验主义哲学(波士顿科学哲学哲学卷273):史普林格,纽约,2013年,332页,106.95欧元,ISBN:978-94-007 -5484-3

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Someone's first encounter with Logical Empiricism is very likely to be through a book or an article on the Vienna Circle. This is not surprising because research about Logical Empiricism is in most cases research about the Vienna Circle. There is no question that this is an important research field for the history of scientific philosophy but the overwhelming quantity of literature may obscure the fact that the history of Logical Empiricism is not just the history of the Schlick Circle. Exactly this is the starting point of The Berlin Group and the Philosophy of Logical Empiricism: Edited by Volker Peckhaus and Nikolay Milkov, the book reminds us that at least one other group took part in this scientific endeavor and their book investigates (and promotes) the philosophy of its members. The Berlin Group is not unknown to scientific philosophers but investigations on the group are still scarce (compared to the mass of literature on the Vienna circle). The question is whether or not the book by Peckhaus and Milkov can contribute new material to the interesting discussion about the "unknown" part of Logical Empiricism.
机译:某个人第一次接触逻辑经验主义很可能是通过维也纳圈子上的一本书或一篇文章进行的。这并不奇怪,因为关于逻辑经验主义的研究在大多数情况下是关于维也纳圈子的研究。毫无疑问,这是科学哲学史上一个重要的研究领域,但是大量的文学作品可能掩盖了逻辑经验主义的历史不仅仅是施利克圆环的历史这一事实。正是这是《柏林小组》和《逻辑经验主义哲学》的起点:这本书是由沃尔克·佩克豪斯(Volker Peckhaus)和尼古拉·米尔科夫(Nikolay Milkov)编辑的,这本书提醒我们至少有其他小组参加了这一科学尝试,他们的书研究了(并促进)其成员的哲学。柏林小组不是科学哲学家所不知道的,但对该小组的研究仍然很少(与维也纳圈子的文学作品相比)。问题是,Peckhaus和Milkov的书是否可以为有关逻辑经验主义的“未知”部分的有趣讨论贡献新材料。



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