首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Forest Research >The applicability of a color acetate film for estimating photosynthetic photon flux density in a forest understory

The applicability of a color acetate film for estimating photosynthetic photon flux density in a forest understory


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The suitability of a color acetate film for estimating photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) in a forest understory was examined. The fading ratio of the film (F), the total PPFD (PPFDtotal) to which the film was exposed, and the average daily maximum temperature during exposure (T) were obtained from measurements at multiple sampling points throughout an entire year within a natural secondary forest (n = 42). The ranges of the recorded values were as follows: F 35%–99%, PPFDtotal 1.4–28.3 mol m−2, and T 6°–32°C. PPFDtotal was regressed by F and T with a high r 2 (=0.94; P < 0.0001): PPFDtotal = (100 − F)/(1.085 + 0.051 T). The absolute error (|estimated PPFDtotal − measured PPFDtotal|) averaged 1.3 mol m−2 with a maximum of 5.7 mol m−2, indicating a good fit. These results indicated broad applicability of the film, both spatially and temporally, for estimating forest understory PPFD.
机译:检查了乙酸彩色膜在森林林下的估计光合光子通量密度(PPFD)的适用性。薄膜的褪色率(F),薄膜所暴露的总PPFD(PPFDtotal )和曝光期间的日平均最高温度(T)是根据全年中多个采样点的测量结果得出的在天然次生林中(n = 42)。记录值的范围如下:F 35%–99%,PPFDtotal 1.4–28.3 mol m-2 和T 6°–32°C。 PPFDtotal 通过F和T回归,具有较高的r 2 (= 0.94; P <0.0001):PPFDtotal =(100-F)/(1.085 + 0.051 T)。绝对误差(|估计的PPFDtotal -测得的PPFDtotal |)平均为1.3 mol m-2 ,最大值为5.7 mol m-2 ,表明拟合良好。这些结果表明该膜在空间和时间上广泛适用于估计林下PPFD。



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