首页> 外文期刊>Journal of food protection >Research Note: Saccharomyces cerevisiae Thermal Inactivation Kinetics Combined with Ultrasound

Research Note: Saccharomyces cerevisiae Thermal Inactivation Kinetics Combined with Ultrasound


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Inactivation kinetics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae during thermal treatments at moderate temperatures (45.0, 47.5, 50.0, 52.5, or 55.0 deg. C) combined with application of 20 kHz of ultrasound were evaluated. S. cerevisiae inactivation under the combined effects of heat and ultrasound followed first-order reaction kinetics, with decimal reduction time (D) that varied from 22.3 to 0.8 min. D values in treatments that combined heat and ultrasound were significantly smaller (P<0.05) than D values obtained for thermal treatments and were more noticeable at temperatures below 50 deg. C. The dependence of the D Value on temperature and a significantly (P<0.05) greater z value for combined treatments. Yast heat inactivation kinetics Revealed decreased thermal resistance caused by ultrasound.
机译:评价了啤酒酵母在中等温度(45.0、47.5、50.0、52.5或55.0℃)热处理期间与施加20 kHz超声的失活动力学。在热和超声的共同作用下,啤酒酵母的失活遵循一级反应动力学,十进制还原时间(D)从22.3到0.8分钟不等。热与超声相结合的处理中的D值比热处理获得的D值小得多(P <0.05),并且在低于50度的温度下更明显。 C. D值对温度的依赖性以及联合处理的z值显着(P <0.05)更大。酵母热失活动力学显示出超声引起的热阻降低。



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