首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology >Color changes of fiddler crab between seasons and under stressful conditions: Patterns of changes in lightness differ between carapace and claw

Color changes of fiddler crab between seasons and under stressful conditions: Patterns of changes in lightness differ between carapace and claw


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In animals, coloration on the body surface could have various functions, such as thermoregulation, camouflage, and intraspecific communication. Because individuals often experience different ecological and social contexts/environments, changes of coloration due to these contexts/environments would be adaptive. The functions of coloration, in addition, may differ between different body regions. In this study, I compared the changes in coloration (lightness) between the carapace and the large claw of male fiddler crabs, Austruca lactea, to estimate the function of coloration in each body part in this species. I conducted monthly field surveys to assess seasonal changes of coloration of the crabs' carapace and large claw. I also carried out a field experiment to determine short-term changes in coloration under stressful conditions. Monthly surveys revealed that claw color was always lighter than the carapace color. Both of these were lightest during the breeding period. Interestingly, carapace lightness positively correlated with carapace width in the peak of the breeding season (July), while it was negatively correlated with carapace width in the non-breeding season (May and September). Claw lightness also differed significantly between months, although claw lightness was less variable than carapace lightness. In the field experiment, carapace coloration rapidly (within ten minutes) became darker under stressful conditions, but claw coloration changed very little, even after crabs were exposed to stressful conditions for 30 min. These results suggest that the function of coloration differs between carapace and claw. Carapace coloration may have functions related to thermoregulation and/or camouflage, and may therefore rapidly respond to fluctuating contexts/environments. Carapace coloration may also have a nuptial function for courtship that is related to body size. Claw coloration could be used to convey relatively more stable information, and may play a role in species recognition for mate choice, and resource holding potential for territorial fighting. Multiple factors, including physical and social factors, may affect each other, and consequently influence coloration of each body part in this species.
机译:在动物中,体表的着色可能具有多种功能,例如温度调节,伪装和种内通讯。因为个体经常经历不同的生态和社会环境/环境,所以由于这些环境/环境而引起的颜色变化将是适应性的。此外,着色的功能在不同的身体部位之间可能有所不同。在这项研究中,我比较了雄性提琴蟹(Austruca lactea)的甲壳和大爪之间的着色(亮度)变化,以评估该物种每个身体部位的着色功能。我每月进行一次野外调查,以评估螃蟹甲壳和大爪子的颜色的季节性变化。我还进行了现场实验,以确定在压力条件下短期着色的变化。每月的调查显示,爪子的颜色总是比甲壳的颜色浅。这两个品种在繁殖期最轻。有趣的是,甲壳亮度在繁殖季节(7月)的高峰期与甲壳宽度呈正相关,而与非繁殖季节(5月和9月)的甲壳宽度呈负相关。尽管爪的亮度比甲壳的亮度变化少,但两个月之间的爪亮度也有显着差异。在野外实验中,即使在压力条件下30分钟,螃蟹的甲壳颜色在紧张的条件下也会迅速变黑(十分钟之内),但爪子的颜色变化很小。这些结果表明,甲壳和爪的着色功能有所不同。甲壳的着色可能具有与体温调节和/或伪装有关的功能,因此可以快速响应不断变化的环境/环境。甲壳着色也可能具有与体型有关的求婚功能。爪子着色可用于传达相对稳定的信息,并可能在物种识别,配偶选择以及领土争夺的资源占有潜力中发挥作用。多种因素,包括身体和社会因素,可能会相互影响,因此影响该物种每个身体部位的着色。



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