首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology >The effect of the SW Atlantic burrowing crab Chasmagnathus granulatus on the intertidal razor clam Tagelus plebeius

The effect of the SW Atlantic burrowing crab Chasmagnathus granulatus on the intertidal razor clam Tagelus plebeius

机译:SW大西洋穴居蟹Chasmagnathus granulatus对潮间剃须刀Tagelus plebeius的影响

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The deposit feeding burrowing crab Chasmagnathus granulatus and the suspension feeding burrowing clam Tagelus plebeius occur sympatrically in the intertidal flats of the south western Atlantic estuarine environments. Common ecological theory predicts negative effects of deposit feeder bioturbation on co-occurring suspension feeders up to complete exclusion of the latter. By means of descriptive and experimental approaches performed at the Mar Chiquita coastal lagoon (37°32′S-57°19′W; Argentina) we show that within beds of C. granulatus (ⅰ) frequency of clam shell damage is higher, (ⅱ) shell geometry shows proportionally shorter shells, (ⅲ) clam condition is lower and, (ⅳ) shell growth rates are lower. The negative effect of crabs increases towards lower tidal level. Changes in shell geometry are only detectable in damaged shells, suggesting that this pattern results from direct physical effects by crabs. The negative effect of crabs on clam condition and growth is mediated by indirect mechanisms. Burrowing and migrating of crabs may disrupt clam feeding and/or may force clams to invest more energy into escape movements and burrow rebuilding, thus leaving less energy for growth. Our study indicates that the adaptation of T. plebeius to a highly dynamic intertidal environment enables the clam to coexist with this strong bioturbator, too. The additional stress inflicted by C. granulatus does affect the clam negatively, but is not sufficiently high to eliminate it from the system.
机译:沉积物觅食的螃蟹Chasmagnathus granulatus和悬浮物觅食的蛤TagTagelus plebeius伴生于西南大西洋河口环境的潮间带。共同的生态学理论预测沉积物给料器的生物扰动会对同时发生的悬浮给料器产生负面影响,直到完全排除后者。通过在Mar Chiquita沿海泻湖(37°32'S-57°19'W;阿根廷)上进行的描述性和实验性方法,我们表明,在C. granulatus(ⅰ)层内,蛤壳的损坏频率更高,( ⅱ)壳的几何形状按比例显示出较短的壳,(ⅲ)蛤的状态较低,并且(ⅳ)壳的生长速率较低。螃蟹的不利影响随着潮汐水平的降低而增加。壳几何形状的变化仅在损坏的壳中可以检测到,这表明这种模式是由螃蟹的直接物理作用造成的。螃蟹对蛤condition状况和生长的负面影响是由间接机制介导的。螃蟹的挖穴和迁徙可能会破坏蛤的进食和/或可能迫使蛤将更多的能量投入逃生运动和挖洞的重建中,从而使生长所需的能量更少。我们的研究表明,T。plebeius适应高度动态的潮间环境使蛤也能够与这种强大的生物扰动器共存。 C. granulatus造成的额外压力确实会对蛤产生负面影响,但不足以将蛤从系统中消除。



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