首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health >Life expectancy in England: variations and trends by gender, health authority, and level of deprivation

Life expectancy in England: variations and trends by gender, health authority, and level of deprivation


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Study objectives—To investigate variations and trends in life expectancy in English district health authorities in relation to gender and Jarman deprivation level. Design—Mortality data for English health authorities from 1984-94, compiled by the Office for National Statistics, were assessed conventionally and using life table techniques. Setting—District health authorities in England. Main outcome measures—Life expectancies in the 105 DHAs in relation to rank, to gender, and to deprivation category based on the census based Jarman score. Conclusions—Differences in life expectancy had widened over the decade and prosperous areas with greatest longevity had seen the largest gains. In most deprived areas improvements in life expectancy were negligible. The greatest gender differences in life expectancy were also seen in deprived areas.
机译:研究目标-调查英国地区卫生当局与性别和Jarman剥夺程度有关的预期寿命的变化和趋势。设计-由英国国家统计局(National Statistics Office)收集的1984-94年英国卫生部门的死亡率数据是采用生命表技术常规评估的。设置-英格兰地区卫生部门。主要结果指标-根据人口普查的Jarman得分,在105个DHA中与等级,性别和剥夺类别有关的预期寿命。结论—预期寿命的差异在过去十年中扩大了,寿命最长的繁华地区收益最大。在大多数贫困地区,预期寿命的改善是微不足道的。在贫困地区也看到了预期寿命中最大的性别差异。



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