首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health >Why do women doctors in the UK take hormone replacement therapy?

Why do women doctors in the UK take hormone replacement therapy?


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Study objectives—To ascertain the determinants and experiences of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) use by meno-pausal women doctors. Design—Postal questionnaire. Setting—UK. Patients—A randomised stratified sample of women doctors who obtained full registration between 1952 and 1976, taken from the current Principal List of the UK Medical Register. Main outcome measures—Current and previous use of HRT; reasons for and against HRT use; menopausal status; hormonal contraceptive use; lifestyle patterns; family and personal history of disease. Main results—While 73.2% of 471 users had started HRT for symptom relief, 60.9% cited prevention of osteoporosis and 32.7% prevention of cardiovascular disease. Altogether 18.7% had started for preventive purposes alone. Significant predisposing factors to starting HRT were the presence and severity of menopausal symptoms, surgical menopause, past use of hormonal contraception, and a family history of osteoporosis. HRT users were also more likely to use skimmed rather than full fat milk, to try to increase their intake of fruit, vegetables, and fibre, and to undertake vigorous physical activity at least once a week. They were less likely to have had breast cancer. Long duration users were more likely than short duration users to be past users of hormonal contraception and to be using HRT for prevention of osteoporosis as well as symptom relief; they were less likely to have experienced side effects. Conclusions—The high usage of HRT by women doctors reflects the fact that many started HRT on their own initiative and with long term prevention in mind. The results may become generalisable to the wider population as information on the potential benefits of HRT is disseminated and understood. However, HRT users may differ slightly from non-users in health-related behaviour and a substantial minority may never take up HRT, at least until the benefit-risk ratio is more clearly established.
机译:研究目标-确定由男,女原因引起的女医生使用激素替代疗法(HRT)的决定因素和经验。设计-邮政调查表。设置-英国。患者-随机分层的女医生样本,他们从1952年至1976年获得了完整注册,摘自当前的《英国医学名册》主名单。主要结果指标-HRT的当前和先前使用;支持和反对使用HRT的原因;更年期状态激素避孕药的使用;生活方式;家庭和个人疾病史。主要结果-尽管471位用户中有73.2%的人开始使用HRT缓解症状,但60.9%的人认为预防骨质疏松症和32.7%的人预防心血管疾病。仅出于预防目的,就有18.7%的人开始服用。开始HRT的重要诱因是更年期症状的存在和严重程度,手术绝经,过去使用激素避孕药以及骨质疏松症的家族史。 HRT使用者还更有可能使用脱脂牛奶而不是全脂牛奶,以尝试增加水果,蔬菜和纤维的摄入量,并至少每周一次进行剧烈的体育锻炼。他们患乳腺癌的可能性较小。长期使用者比短期使用者更可能是激素避孕的既往使用者,并使用HRT预防骨质疏松症和缓解症状。他们不太可能出现副作用。结论:女医生对HRT的高使用率反映了一个事实,即许多人是主动发起HRT并考虑到长期预防的。随着有关HRT潜在好处的信息的传播和理解,结果可能对更广泛的人群具有普遍意义。但是,HRT使用者在健康相关行为上可能与非使用者略有不同,并且至少在更清楚地确定受益风险比之前,绝大部分人可能永远不会采用HRT。



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