首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health >Childhood leg length and adult mortality: follow up of the Carnegie (Boyd Orr) Survey of Diet and Health in Pre-war Britain

Childhood leg length and adult mortality: follow up of the Carnegie (Boyd Orr) Survey of Diet and Health in Pre-war Britain

机译:儿童腿长和成人死亡率:战前英国卡内基(Boyd Orr)饮食与健康调查的跟进

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Conclusions-These findings suggest that adverse diet and living conditions in childhood, for which leg length seems to be a particularly sensitive indicator, are associated with increased risk of CHD in adulthood and possibly reduced cancer risk. It is likely that these influences oper- ate after birth, during the first few years of life. Objective-To investigate the relation be- tween childhood height, its components- Leg length and trunk length-and Mortality in adulthood. Deisgn-Cohort study based on the Can Egie(Bitd Irr) Survey of diet and health In pre-war Britain, 1937-9. Setting-The 14 centres in England and Scotland that participated in the Carnegie Survey and where children were exam- ined.
机译:结论-这些发现表明,儿童的不良饮食和生活条件(腿长似乎是特别敏感的指标)与成人CHD风险增加和癌症风险降低有关。这些影响很可能是在出生后的最初几年,在出生后起作用。目的:研究儿童身高,其组成部分(腿长和躯干长)与成年死亡率之间的关系。 Deisgn-Cohort的研究基于战前英国的饮食与健康状况的Can Egie(Bitd Irr)调查,1937-9。设置-英格兰和苏格兰的14个中心参加了卡内基调查,并对儿童进行了检查。



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