
Antioxidants in Capsicum chinense: Variation among countries of origin


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The main objective of this investigation was to evaluate fruits of C. chinense accessions for their concentration of β -carotene, ascorbic acid, and phenols for use as parents in breeding for these phytochemicals. Mature fruits of 63 accessions of C. chinense originally acquired from Belize, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Puerto Rico, and the United States were analyzed for their chemical composition. Fruits of C. chinense accessions PI-152452 (Brazil) and PI-360726 (Ecuador) contained the greatest concentrations of ascorbic acid (1.2 and 1.1 mg g−1 fresh fruit, respectively), while PI-438648 (Mexico) contained the greatest concentration of total phenols content (349 μ g g−1 fresh fruit) among the other 63 accessions tested. Accession PI-355817 from Ecuador contained the greatest concentrations of β -carotene (8 mg g−1fresh fruit). These accessions were identified as potential candidates for mass production of antioxidants with health-promoting properties.
机译:这项调查的主要目的是评估C.chinense种质的β-胡萝卜素,抗坏血酸和酚类的浓度,以作为这些植物化学育种的父母。分析了最初从伯利兹,巴西,哥伦比亚,厄瓜多尔,墨西哥,秘鲁,波多黎各和美国购得的63个中国隐孢子虫的成熟果实。 C. chinense品种PI-152452(巴西)和PI-360726(厄瓜多尔)的果实含有最高浓度的抗坏血酸(分别为1.2和1.1 mg g 新鲜水果),而PI-438648(墨西哥)包含测试的其他63个保藏物中的总酚含量最高(349μgg -1> 新鲜水果)。来自厄瓜多尔的产品PI-355817包含最大浓度的β-胡萝卜素(8毫克g â1’1 新鲜水果)。这些添加物被确定为具有健康促进特性的抗氧化剂大规模生产的潜在候选者。



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