首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes >Insecticidal activity of different extracts from Scrophularia canina L. against Culex pipiens molestus Forskal (Diptera, Culicidae)

Insecticidal activity of different extracts from Scrophularia canina L. against Culex pipiens molestus Forskal (Diptera, Culicidae)


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The insecticidal activity of different extracts (aqueous, methyl alcohol, hexane and petroleum ether) of the aerial part of Scrophularia canina against the second and fourth-instar larvae and adult females of Culex pipiens molestus was investigated. The larvicidal activity of all the extracts was tested in the dose range from 7.8 to 1000 ppm. The highest toxicity was exhibited by the petroleum ether extract against second-instar larvae (48 h LC50 = 23.5 ppm) and by the hexane extract against fourth-instar larvae (48 h LC50 = 23.6 ppm). Methyl alcohol and aqueous extracts did not show any larvicidal activity. Sub-lethal doses of petroleum ether and hexane extracts induced increasing mortalities during 13 days after treatment but did not affect the duration of larval and pupal stages. In persistence tests, the hexane extract retained a satisfactory larvicidal activity after a 10-day period of test solutions incubation. Topical treatment of adult females with doses from 0.25 to 8 μg per mg of female body weight of different extracts showed a similar toxicity for the hexane (24 h LD50 = 1.7 μg mg−1) and petroleum ether (24 h LD50 = 1.8 μg mg−1) extracts which were significantly more toxic than methyl alcohol extract (4.2 μg mg−1). Aqueous extract did not induce adult mortality. The marked mosquitocidal activity of petroleum ether and hexane extracts of the aerial part of S. canina against different life stages of C. pipiens molestus is promising to develop effective alternatives to synthetic insecticides.
机译:研究了玄参地上部分的不同提取物(水,甲醇,己烷和石油醚)的杀虫活性对淡色库蚊的第二龄和第四龄幼虫以及成年雌性的杀虫活性。在7.8至1000 ppm的剂量范围内测试了所有提取物的杀幼虫活性。石油醚提取物对第二龄幼虫(48 h LC 50 = 23.5 ppm)和己烷提取物对第四龄幼虫(48 h LC 50 < / sub> = 23.6 ppm)。甲醇和水提取物未显示任何杀幼虫活性。亚致死剂量的石油醚和己烷提取物在治疗后13天内导致死亡率增加,但不影响幼虫期和p期。在持续性测试中,己烷溶液在经过10天的测试溶液温育后仍保持令人满意的杀幼虫活性。成年女性的局部治疗剂量为每毫克女性体重不同提取物0.25至8微克,对己烷显示出相似的毒性(24 h LD 50 = 1.7微克mg ∠1 )和石油醚(24 h LD 50 = 1.8μgmg ˆ1 )提取物的毒性比甲醇提取物(4.2μg)高得多mg −1 )。水提取物不引起成人死亡。犬链球菌地上部分的石油醚和己烷提取物具有显着的灭蚊活性,可对抗鼠疫梭菌的不同生命阶段,有望开发出替代合成杀虫剂的有效替代品。



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