首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B: Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes >Losses and dissipation of penconazole in vineyard soil as affected by mid-row management system

Losses and dissipation of penconazole in vineyard soil as affected by mid-row management system


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A field experiment was performed with the aim to assess the amount of penconazole losses during field application and the spatial variability of penconazole concentration in a vineyard soil, under two different management techniques (tilled and grass covered). The field dissipation of penconazole under the two techniques was also followed for 114 days, highlighting the effects of spatial variability of the initial concentration and of the grass covering in terms of the different soil metabolic activity. Data found show that a high percentage of penconazole, from 42.5 % to 67.43 %, can reach the soil during the treatments, despite the fact that penconazole is applied to the foliage. The high values of the coefficient of variation for data within rows show considerable variability in all applications, ranging from 30 to 65 in the first application, from 35 to 79 in the second and from 36 to 75 in the third. Since the applications of penconazole occurred under almost same climatic conditions in terms of wind speed and direction, the high variability of concentration of penconazole found within mid-rows was attributed to the uneven slope of the vineyard causing an irregular speed of the sprayer equipment. However, least significant differences of the mean values did not end in a significant difference of penconazole concentration among mid-rows for all applications, indicating that the variability between rows does not contribute to the overall variability. The calculated half-life values for penconazole in tilled soil were 62.4 days for tilled and 33.0 for grassed soil, highlighting the tendency of penconazole to faster dissipate in grassed than in tilled soil. Grassed soil was characterised by a higher metabolic activity in terms of microbial biomass carbon content, basal respiration and total hydrolytic activity, than tilled soil. A significant correlation between penconazole dissipation and total hydrolytic activity, was found. The faster dissipation of penconazole in grassed soil was attributed to the higher amount of the total hydrolytic activity which, in grassed soil, was 1.5 fold-higher than in tilled soil.
机译:进行了一项田间试验,目的是在两种不同的管理技术(平铺和草皮覆盖)下,评估田间施用过程中喷洒的苯达康唑的损失量以及葡萄园土壤中喷洒的苯达康唑浓度的空间变异性。还跟踪了这两种技术对戊康唑的田间消散,持续了114天,突出了初始浓度和草皮的空间变异性对不同土壤代谢活性的影响。发现的数据显示,尽管将戊康唑应用于叶子,但在处理过程中仍有较高百分比的戊康唑(从42.5%到67.43%)可以到达土壤。行内数据的高变异系数值在所有应用程序中都显示出相当大的可变性,第一个应用程序的范围为30到65,第二个应用程序的范围为35到79,第三个应用程序的范围为36到75。由于喷康唑的应用发生在几乎相同的气候条件下(在风速和风向方面),因此在中行发现喷康唑的浓度变化很大,原因是葡萄园的坡度不均匀,导致喷洒设备的速度不规则。但是,对于所有应用,平均值的最小显着差异并没有以中排中的戊康唑浓度显着结束,这表明行之间的可变性不会影响总体可变性。计算得出的耕地土壤中的培康唑半衰期值为耕种土壤为62.4天,草质土壤为33.0天,这突出表明了戊烯康唑在土壤中的消散趋势要比耕种土壤快。与耕作土壤相比,牧草土壤在微生物生物量碳含量,基础呼吸和总水解活性方面具有更高的代谢活性。发现戊康唑消散与总水解活性之间存在显着相关性。 Penconazole在草皮土壤中更快的消散归因于较高的总水解活性,在草皮土壤中,总水解活性比在耕种土壤中高1.5倍。



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