首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Management >Rinsing Practices of Australian Farmers: the Characteristics of Farmers who do not Rinse Chemical Residues from Empty Containers

Rinsing Practices of Australian Farmers: the Characteristics of Farmers who do not Rinse Chemical Residues from Empty Containers


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In recent years, the potential environmental and health impact of chemicals left in empty containers has emerged as an important issue for farmers and the wider community. In 1994, a nationally representative study of Australian farmers was commissioned to ascertain whether and to what extent farmers were rinsing empty chemical containers, and to identify the factors which were associated with this behaviour. This paper focuses its attention on that group of farmers who do not rinse their empty chemical containers and argues that the containers used by this group pose the greatest threat to the environment and public health.
机译:近年来,空容器中残留的化学药品对环境和健康的潜在影响已成为农民和广大社区的重要问题。 1994年,委托进行了一项对澳大利亚农民的全国代表性研究,以确定农民是否在何种程度上冲洗空的化学容器,并查明与这种行为有关的因素。本文将注意力集中在那些不冲洗空化学容器的农民群体上,并认为该群体使用的容器对环境和公众健康构成最大的威胁。



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