首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Management >Proposing priorities of intervention for the recovery of native fish populations using hierarchical ranking of environmental and exotic species impact

Proposing priorities of intervention for the recovery of native fish populations using hierarchical ranking of environmental and exotic species impact


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The freshwater populations of native fish species (Ns) have reached critical levels in many parts of the world due to combined habitat deterioration by human interventions and exotic fish species (Es) invasions. These alarming conditions require combined and well-designed interventions for restoring environmental quality and restricting Es invasion. The aim of the study is to propose a method to design spatially explicit priorities of intervention for the recovery of Ns populations in highly impacted freshwater systems by exotic multi-species invasion and water quality (WQ) degradation. WQ and Es are used as Ns descriptors, which require intervention. The method uses gradient analysis (ordination method of Canonical Correspondence Analysis) for assessing the weights of Ns descriptors' effects, which are further used to develop weighted severity indices; the severity index of WQ. (Swq) and Es invasion (Se), respectively. Swq and Se are further merged to one combined total severity index St. The proposed method provides a) a ranking of the sites, based on the values of St, which denotes the priority for combined intervention in space and can be visualized in maps, b) a ranking of the most important Ns descriptors for each site to perform site-specific interventions, and c) Es rankings based on their potential threat on Ns for species-specific interventions. WQ, Es and Ns data from 208 sampling sites located in the Emilia-Romagna Region (Northern Italy) were used as a case study for the presentation of the proposed method. The application of the method showed that the north and northwestern lowland areas of Emilia-Romagna region presented the higher priority for intervention since the Ns of these areas are the most impacted from combined Es invasions and WQ degradation. Specific Es belonging to cyprinids, which are mostly responsible for the decline of aquatic vegetation and the increase of water turbidity, and a top Es predator (Wels catfish) were mostly present in these areas. Additionally, the most important WQ stressors of Ns were found to be COD, BOD and temperature that are all connected to oxygen depletion. The aforementioned conditions in the areas described by high priority for intervention can be used as a basis for the development of specific Ns conservation practices targeting the containment of the most harmful Es, the restoration of aquatic vegetation and the improvement of oxygen conditions.
机译:由于人类干预和外来鱼类物种(Es)入侵共同造成的栖息地恶化,世界许多地方的本地鱼类物种(Ns)的淡水种群已达到临界水平。这些令人震惊的状况要求采取综合和精心设计的干预措施,以恢复环境质量并限制Es的入侵。该研究的目的是提出一种方法,以设计在空间上明确的干预措施优先级,以通过外来多物种入侵和水质(WQ)退化,在受到高度影响的淡水系统中恢复Ns种群。 WQ和Es用作Ns描述符,需要干预。该方法使用梯度分析(规范对应分析的协调方法)评估Ns描述子效应的权重,进一步用于建立加权的严重性指标。 WQ的严重性指数。 (Swq)和Es入侵(Se)。 Swq和Se进一步合并为一个组合的总严重性指标St。建议的方法提供a)基于St的值对站点进行排名,这表示对空间进行联合干预的优先级,并且可以在地图中可视化,b )对每个站点执行特定站点干预的最重要Ns描述符的排名,以及c)基于特定物种干预对Ns的潜在威胁的ES排名。来自位于意大利北部艾米利亚-罗马涅地区的208个采样点的WQ,Es和Ns数据被作为案例研究来介绍所提出的方法。该方法的应用表明,艾米利亚—罗马涅地区的北部和西北低地地区具有更高的干预优先级,因为这些地区的Ns受Es入侵和WQ退化的综合影响最大。属于鲤科动物的特定Es,主要是造成水生植被减少和水浊度增加的原因,这些地区主要存在顶级Es捕食者(威尔士cat鱼)。此外,发现Ns最重要的WQ应激源是COD,BOD和温度,它们都与氧气消耗有关。高度优先干预所描述的地区中的上述条件可以用作制定针对特定Ns保护措施的基础,这些保护措施旨在控制最有害的Es,恢复水生植被和改善氧气状况。



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