首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Management >Potential of combined Water Sensitive Urban Design systems for salinity treatment in urban environments

Potential of combined Water Sensitive Urban Design systems for salinity treatment in urban environments


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Water sensitive urban design and similar concepts often recommend a ‘treatment train’ is employed to improve stormwater quality. In this study, the capability of a combined permeable pavement and bioretention basin was examined with a view to developing a permeable pavement reservoir that can supplement the irrigation needs of a bioretention system in semi-arid climates. Salinity was a key study parameter due to published data on salinity in permeable pavement storage, and the potential to harvest water contaminated with de-icing salts. To conduct experiments, roofwater was collected from a roof in Adelaide, South Australia. Water was amended with NaCl to produce a control runoff (no added salt), a medium (500 mg/l) and a high (1500 mg/l) salinity runoff. Water was then run through the pavement into the storage reservoir and used to irrigate the bioretention system. Samples were collected from the roof, the pavement reservoir and the bioretention system outflow to determine whether significant water quality impacts occurred. Results show that while salinity levels increased significantly as water passed through the pavement and through the bioretention system, the increase was beneficial for irrigation purposes as it was from Ca and Mg ions thus reducing the sodium absorption ratio to levels considered ‘good’ for irrigation in accordance with several guidelines. Permeable paving increased pH of water and this effect was prominent when the initial salt concentration increased. The study shows that permeable pavements with underlying storage can be used to provide supplementary irrigation for bioretention systems, but high initial salt concentrations may present constraints on beneficial use of stormwater.
机译:对水敏感的城市设计和类似概念通常建议使用“处理火车”来改善雨水质量。在这项研究中,研究了可渗透路面和生物滞留池相结合的功能,以期开发出可渗透水的蓄水池,以补充半干旱气候条件下生物滞留系统的灌溉需求。由于公开的有关渗透性路面存储中盐分的数据以及收集被除冰盐污染的水的潜力,盐分是一项关键的研究参数。为了进行实验,从南澳大利亚州阿德莱德的一个屋顶收集了屋顶水。用NaCl修正水以产生对照径流(不添加盐),中度(500 mg / l)和高盐度(1500 mg / l)径流。然后,水通过人行道进入存储水库,并用于灌溉生物滞留系统。从屋顶,人行道水库和生物保留系统的出水口收集样品,以确定是否发生了明显的水质影响。结果表明,虽然盐度水平随着水通过人行道和生物保留系统的增加而显着增加,但增加的盐分对灌溉目的是有益的,因为它来自钙和镁离子,因此将钠吸收率降低到了认为对灌溉有利的水平。根据几个准则。渗透性铺路增加了水的pH值,当初始盐浓度增加时,这种影响尤为明显。研究表明,具有潜在存储能力的透水路面可用于为生物滞留系统提供补充灌溉,但初始盐浓度较高可能会限制雨水的有效利用。



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