Abst'/> Novel ecosystems: Governance and conservation in the age of the Anthropocene
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Novel ecosystems: Governance and conservation in the age of the Anthropocene


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AbstractMeeting conservation objectives in an era of global environmental change has precipitated debate about where and how to intervene. Ecological and social values of novel ecosystems are particularly contested. Governance has a role to play, but this role is underexplored. Here, we critically review the novel ecosystems literature to identify challenges that fall within the realm of governance. Using a conceptual framework for analysing adaptive governance, we consider how governance could help address five challenges. Specifically, we argue that reforming governance can support the re-framing of policy objectives for ecosystems where transformation is likely, and in doing so, it could highlight the tensions between the emergence of novel ecosystems on the one hand and cultural expectations about how ecosystems should look on the other. We discuss the influence of power, authority and administrative competence on conservation efforts in times of environmental change. We consider how buffering can address translational mismatch between conventional conservation policy and modern ecological reality. This review provides insights into how governance reform could enable more adaptive responses to transformative changes, such as novel ecosystems, while remaining committed to achieving conservation outcomes. Indeed, at their best, adaptive responses would encompass the reality of ecological transformation while being sympathetic to concerns about undesirable outcomes. Connections between researchers in the fields of governance, ecology and conservation could help to achieve these twin aims. We provide examples of governance and policy-making techniques that can support context-specific governance reform that supports more effective conservation in the Anthropocene.HighlightsThe emergence of novel ecosystems has sparked controversy about how to intervene.Governance reform could build capacity for dealing with novel ecosystems.A review of novel ecosystem literature reveals five specific governance challenges.Guidance for managers dealing with these challenges at multiple scales is provided.
机译: 摘要 在全球环境变化时代实现保护目标的争论引发了关于在何处以及如何进行干预的争论。新型生态系统的生态和社会价值尤其受到争议。治理可以发挥作用,但是这种作用尚未得到充分开发。在这里,我们批判性地回顾了新颖的生态系统文献,以发现治理领域内的挑战。通过使用概念框架分析自适应治理,我们考虑了治理如何帮助应对五个挑战。具体而言,我们认为,改革治理可以支持可能发生转型的生态系统的政策目标的重新制定,并且这样做可以凸显一方面是新型生态系统的出现与人们对生态系统应如何应对的文化期望之间的紧张关系。换个角度看。我们讨论了环境变化时期的权力,权力和行政能力对保护工作的影响。我们考虑缓冲如何解决传统保护政策与现代生态现实之间的转换失配问题。这篇综述提供了有关治理改革如何能够对转型变化(例如新型生态系统)做出更多适应性响应,同时又致力于实现保护成果的见解。确实,在最佳状态下,适应性应对措施将涵盖生态转型的现实,同时同情对不良后果的担忧。治理,生态和保护领域的研究人员之间的联系可以帮助实现这些双重目标。我们提供了一些治理和决策技术的示例,这些技术可以支持针对特定环境的治理改革,从而支持人类世间更有效的保护。 < ce:abstract xmlns:ce =“ http://www.elsevier.com/xml/common/dtd” xmlns =“ http://www.elsevier.com/xml/ja/dtd” class =“ author-highlights” xml:lang =“ zh-CN” id =“ abs0015” view =“ all”> 突出显示 新型生态系统的出现引发了有关如何干预的争议。 < ce:list-item id =“ u0015”> 治理改革可以增强应对新型生态系统的能力。 / ce:para> 对新型生态系统文献的回顾揭示了五个具体的治理挑战。 为管理人员提供了应对这些挑战的指南。 ce:list>



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