首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Economics and Management >A Note on Consistent Estimation of Mean WTP Using a Misspecified Logit Contingent Valuation Model

A Note on Consistent Estimation of Mean WTP Using a Misspecified Logit Contingent Valuation Model


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Monte Carlo evidence has shown that simple, misspecified referendum contingent valuation (CV) models sometimes lead to good estimates of mean willingness to pay (WTP). Empirical studies have found that estimates of mean WTP derived from simple parametric models often differ little from those derived from nonparametric methods. This indicates that simple models can potentially yield WTP estimators that are relatively unbiased. This note shows that very simple logit referendum CV models will estimate mean WTP consistently if the survey bids are drawn randomly from a uniform distribution.
机译:蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo)证据表明,简单的,错误指定的全民投票或有评估(CV)模型有时会导致对平均支付意愿(WTP)的良好估计。实证研究发现,从简单参数模型得出的平均WTP估计值与从非参数方法得出的平均WTP值通常相差不大。这表明简单的模型可以潜在地产生相对无偏的WTP估计量。此注释显示,如果从统一分布中随机抽取调查出价,则非常简单的logit公投CV模型将一致地估计平均WTP。



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