首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Economics and Management >An Arbitrage-Free Approach to Quasi-Option Value

An Arbitrage-Free Approach to Quasi-Option Value


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In the presence of uncertainty and irreversibility, dynamic decision problems should not be solved using expected net present value analysis. The right to delay a decision can be valuable. We show that the value of this right equals Arrow and Fisher's [Quart. J. Econom. 88, 312-319 (1974)] quasi-option value. In a discrete model we show how to derive quasi-op-tion value using methods from finance. These methods yield the advantage that they permit avoidance of the common pitfall of improperly matching a riskless discount rate with a risky project. In our arbitrage-free model, use of the riskless rate is appropriate. Two main findings are presented. First, if the stochastic dynamic process underlying the problem is known, the Arrow and Fisher [Quart. J. Econom. 88, 312-319 (1974)] and Henry [Amer. Econom. Rev. 64, 1006-1012 (1974)] result, that improper use of net present value too often leads to early development, is correct. Second, if the process is assessed incorrectly, their result can be incorrect in the sense that net present value methods may lead to the correct outcome while the dynamic rule does not.
机译:在存在不确定性和不可逆性的情况下,不应使用预期的净现值分析解决动态决策问题。延迟决定的权利可能很有价值。我们证明此权利的值等于Arrow和Fisher的[Quart。 J. 88,312-319(1974)]准期权价值。在一个离散模型中,我们展示了如何使用金融方法来推导准期权价值。这些方法产生的优点是,它们可以避免将无风险贴现率与风险项目不正确匹配的常见陷阱。在我们的无套利模型中,使用无风险利率是合适的。提出了两个主要发现。首先,如果已知问题背后的随机动态过程,则Arrow和Fisher [Quart。 J. 88,312-319(1974)]和亨利[Amer。经济。 Rev. 64,1006-1012(1974)]的结果是,正确使用净现值经常导致早期发展是正确的。其次,如果过程评估不正确,则从净现值方法可能导致正确结果的意义上说,其结果可能是错误的,而动态规则却没有。



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