首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Environmental Economics and Management >Taxation and rotation age under stochastic forest stand value

Taxation and rotation age under stochastic forest stand value


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The paper uses both the single rotation and ongoing rotation framework to study the impact of yield tax, lump-sum tax and tax on interest rate earnings on the privately optimal rotation period when forest stand value is stochastic and forest owners are risk averse or risk neutral. Under risk aversion the optimal harvesting threshold is lower and therefore the expected rotation period shorter than under risk neutrality both in the single and ongoing rotation cases. Whether the forest owner is risk averse or risk neutral, a higher yield tax, a higher lump-sum tax or a higher tax on interest rate earnings raise the optimal harvesting threshold. Numerical results indicate that the optimal harvesting threshold increases less rapidly under risk aversion than under risk neutrality with an increase in either a yield tax or the volatility of forest stand value.
机译:本文使用单一轮换和持续轮换框架研究了林权价值随机且森林所有者规避风险或风险中性的收益率税,一次性税和税率对利率最优收益对私有最优轮换期的影响。 。在风险规避的情况下,最佳收获阈值较低,因此预期轮换期比在单轮和持续轮换情况下的风险轮换期短。无论森林所有者是风险规避者还是风险中立者,更高的收益税,更高的总价税或更高的利率收益税都会提高最佳采伐门槛。数值结果表明,随着收益税或林分价值波动的增加,在风险规避下,最佳采伐阈值的增长速度不如在风险中性条件下更快。



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