首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Engineering >INSIGHT's Jeff Karrenbauer Discusses New Types of Supply Chain Risk -- Political Unrest, Climate Change, Sudden Demand Change & Poor Technology Investments

INSIGHT's Jeff Karrenbauer Discusses New Types of Supply Chain Risk -- Political Unrest, Climate Change, Sudden Demand Change & Poor Technology Investments

机译:INSIGHT的Jeff Karrenbauer讨论了新型的供应链风险-政治动荡,气候变化,突然的需求变化和不良的技术投资

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2013 MAR 20 (VerticalNews) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Journal of Engineering --nINSIGHT, Inc., a top international provider of supply chain planning solutions for the world's foremostncompanies, believes that other supply chain risks exist besides natural disasters and premeditatednattacks by intelligent adversaries. Dr. Jeff Karrenbauer, president and co-founder of INSIGHT, has beennevangelizing for years the need for supply chain vulnerability analysis to mitigate risk in supply chains. Hensees supply chain disruptions coming from a variety of additional sources, such as political unrest,nclimate change, sudden demand changes, and misguided investments in technology.
机译:2013年3月20日(垂直新闻)-工程杂志上的新闻记者-工作人员新闻编辑-全球领先的供应链规划解决方案国际顶级提供商nINSIGHT,Inc.认为,除了自然风险外,还存在其他供应链风险灾难和聪明对手的预谋袭击。 INSIGHT的总裁兼联合创始人Jeff Karrenbauer博士多年来一直在宣扬对供应链脆弱性分析的需求,以减轻供应链中的风险。 Hensee的供应链中断来自各种其他来源,例如政治动荡,气候变化,突然的需求变化以及对技术的误导投资。



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