首页> 外文期刊>Journal of education for library and information science >Perceptions of Community of Practice Development in Online Graduate Education

Perceptions of Community of Practice Development in Online Graduate Education


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Implementing Communities of Practice (CoP) in online learning is well documented (Gray, 2004; Wenger & Snyder, 2000), and is of particular interest to the LIS profession (Yukawa, 2010). Most of the students in school library programs are practicing teachers seeking to add the library science endorsement to their existing license. They are adults with busy lives, full-time jobs, and family and home commitments who welcome the opportunity provided by part-time distance learning options. This study found that students perceived CoP development to be possible in online part-time graduate course-work, although the barriers of time, commitment to CoP development, and technology issues persisted to defray the effectiveness of the CoP.
机译:在在线学习中实施实践社区(CoP)已有大量文献记录(Gray,2004年; Wenger&Snyder,2000年),并且对于LIS专业人员特别感兴趣(Yukawa,2010年)。参加学校图书馆课程的大多数学生都是执业教师,他们希望将图书馆学的认可加到他们现有的许可证中。他们是成年人,他们忙碌的生活,全职工作以及家庭和家庭责任,他们欢迎兼职远程学习选择提供的机会。这项研究发现,尽管时间障碍,对CoP开发的投入以及技术问题仍然困扰着CoP的有效性,但学生认为CoP开发在在线兼职研究生课程中是可行的。



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