首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Economics & Management Strategy >Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship

Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Entrepreneurship


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Milton Friedman argued that the social responsibility of firms is to maximize profits. This paper examines this argument for the economic environment envisioned by Friedman in which citizens can personally give to social causes and can invest in profit-maximizing firms and firms that give a portion of their profits to social causes. Citizens obtain social satisfaction from corporate social giving, but corporate giving may not be a perfect substitute for personal giving. The paper presents a theory of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and shows that CSR is costly when it is an imperfect substitute. When investors anticipate the CSR, shareholders do not bear its cost. Instead, the entrepreneurs who form the CSR firms bear the cost. Shareholders bear the cost of CSR only when it is a surprise, and it is to such surprises that Friedman objects. A social entrepreneur is willing to form a CSR firm at a financial loss because either doing so expands the opportunity sets of citizens in consumption-social giving space or there is an entrepreneurial warm glow from forming the firm. Firms can also undertake strategic CSR activities that increase profits, and a social entrepreneur carries strategic CSR beyond profit maximization and market value maximization. The paper also examines the implications of taxes and the effect of the market for control for the sustainability of CSR.
机译:弥尔顿·弗里德曼(Milton Friedman)认为,企业的社会责任是使利润最大化。本文探讨了弗里德曼所设想的经济环境中的这一论点,在该经济环境中,公民可以亲自奉献社会事业,并可以投资于利润最大化的公司以及将其部分利润奉献给社会事业的公司。公民可以从公司的社会捐赠中获得社会满意度,但是公司捐赠可能不是个人捐赠的完美替代。本文介绍了企业社会责任(CSR)的理论,并指出当企业社会责任不完善时,企业社会责任成本很高。当投资者预期企业社会责任时,股东不承担其成本。相反,组成企业社会责任公司的企业家承担成本。股东只有在感到惊讶的时候才承担企业社会责任的成本,而弗里德曼反对的却是这样的惊讶。社会企业家愿意在蒙受经济损失的情况下成立CSR公司,因为这样做可以扩大公民在消费-社会捐赠空间中的机会集,或者可以通过组建公司而获得企业家的热情。企业还可以开展战略性CSR活动来增加利润,而社会企业家则承担着战略性CSR超越了利润最大化和市场价值最大化的目标。本文还研究了税收的含义以及市场对企业社会责任可持续性的控制作用。



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