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Why Have Americans Become More Obese?


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In the early 1960s, the average American adult male weighed 168 pounds. Today, he weighs nearly 180 pounds. Over the same time period, the average female adult weight rose from 143 pounds to over 155 pounds (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1977, 1996). In the early 1970s, 14 percent of the population was classified as medically obese. Today, obesity rates are two times higher (Centers for Disease Control, 2003). Weights have been rising in the United States throughout the twentieth century, but the rise in obesity since 1980 is fundamentally different from past changes. For most of the twentieth century, weights were below levels recommended for maximum longevity (Fogel, 1994), and the increase in weight represented an increase in health, not a decrease. Today, Americans are fatter than medical science recommends, and weights are still increasing. While many other countries have experienced significant increases in obesity, no other developed country is quite as heavy as the United States. What explains this growth in obesity? Why is obesity higher in the United States than in any other developed country? The available evidence suggests that calories expended have not changed significantly since 1980, while calories consumed have risen markedly. But these facts just push the puzzle back a step: why has there been an increase in calories consumed? We propose a theory based on the division of labor in food preparation. In the 1960s, the bulk of food preparation was done by families that cooked their own food and ate it at home. Since then, there has been a revolution in the mass preparation of food that is roughly comparable to the mass production revolution in manufactured goods that happened a century ago. Technological innovations―including vacuum packing, improved preservatives, deep freezing, artificial flavors and microwaves―have enabled food manufacturers to cook food centrally and ship it to consumers for rapid consumption. In 1965, a married women who didn't work spent over two hours per day cooking and cleaning up from meals. In 1995, the same tasks take less than half the time. The switch from individual to mass preparation lowered the time price of food consumption and led to increased quantity and variety of foods consumed.
机译:在1960年代初期,美国成年男性平均体重为168磅。如今,他体重近180磅。在同一时期,成年女性的平均体重从143磅增加到155磅以上(美国卫生和公共服务部,1977年,1996年)。在1970年代初期,有14%的人口被归类为肥胖。如今,肥胖率已高出两倍(疾病控制中心,2003年)。在整个20世纪,美国的体重一直在增加,但是自1980年以来肥胖的增加与过去的变化有根本的不同。在整个20世纪的大部分时间里,体重均低于建议的最大寿命(Fogel,1994),体重的增加代表着健康的增加,而不是减少。如今,美国人比医学界所建议的更胖,而且体重仍在增加。尽管许多其他国家的肥胖症显着增加,但没有其他发达国家比美国重。是什么解释了这种肥胖的增长?为什么美国的肥胖症比其他任何发达国家都高?现有证据表明,自1980年以来,所消耗的卡路里没有明显变化,而所消耗的卡路里却显着增加。但是这些事实将难题推倒了一步:为什么消耗的卡路里增加了?我们提出了一种基于食品准备工作分工的理论。在1960年代,大部分的食物准备工作都是由家庭自行烹饪并在家里吃的。从那时起,食品的大规模制备发生了一场革命,这一革命可以与一个世纪前的工业制成品的大规模生产革命相提并论。技术创新-包括真空包装,改良的防腐剂,深层冷冻,人造香料和微波炉-使食品制造商能够集中烹饪食物并将其运送给消费者以进行快速消费。 1965年,一位未工作的已婚妇女每天花费超过两个小时做饭和清理饭菜。在1995年,相同的任务花费不到一半的时间。从个人准备转向大规模准备工作降低了食品消费的时间价格,并导致了所消费食品的数量和种类的增加。



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