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Media, Education and Anti-Americanism in the Muslim World


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America has an image problem. Only 1 percent of people surveyed in June 2003 in Jordan or the Palestinian Authority expressed a favorable opinion of the United States. Favorability ratings elsewhere in the Middle East were almost all below 30 percent. Osama bin Laden was among the top three leaders most often trusted to "do the right thing" by survey respondents in Indonesia, Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan and the Palestinian Authority (Pew Research Center, 2003). Responses to similar questions by Americans reveal that the feeling is mutual: in a recent poll, only 24 percent of Americans expressed favorable views of Muslim countries overall (USA Today, 2002). Moreover, this antagonism is not only driven by opposed interests or disagreement about the moral or ethical meaning of the events that have transpired. It also reflects radically different, and often distorted, perceptions of the facts themselves. In results we report below, 78 percent of respondents in seven Muslim countries said that they do not believe that a group of Arabs carried out the September 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center. Likewise, according to the Washington Post (2003), 69 percent of Americans believe it is "somewhat" or "very" likely that Saddam Hussein was personally involved in the attacks, despite the absence of any evidence to that effect. In September 2003, 20 percent of Americans said that Iraq had used chemical or biological weapons against American troops, again clearly contradicting the available evidence (Kull, Ramsey, Subias, Lewis and Warf, 2003).
机译:美国有形象问题。 2003年6月在约旦或巴勒斯坦权力机构接受调查的人中,只有1%的人对美国表示赞成。中东其他地区的好感度评级几乎都低于30%。在印度尼西亚,约旦,摩洛哥,巴基斯坦和巴勒斯坦权力机构的调查受访者中,乌萨马·本·拉登(Osama bin Laden)是最常被三位领导人“做正确的事”信任的组织之一(皮尤研究中心,2003年)。美国人对类似问题的回答表明,这种感觉是相互的:在最近的一项民意调查中,只有24%的美国人总体上对穆斯林国家表示了赞同(《今日美国》,2002年)。此外,这种对抗不仅是由对立的利益或对已经发生的事件的道德或伦理意义的分歧引起的。它也反映了对事实本身的根本不同,并且常常被扭曲。在下面的结果报告中,七个穆斯林国家的78%的受访者表示,他们不相信一群阿拉伯人对2001年9月11日的世界贸易中心袭击。同样,据《华盛顿邮报》(2003年)报道,尽管没有任何证据表明,萨达姆·侯赛因亲自参与了袭击,但仍有69%的美国人认为萨达姆·侯赛因亲自参与了这次袭击。 2003年9月,有20%的美国人说伊拉克对美军使用了化学或生物武器,这显然与现有证据相矛盾(Kull,Ramsey,Subias,Lewis和Warf,2003年)。



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