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How Should We Measure Consumer Confidence?


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In April 2001, concern about the U. S economy was evident in a New York T'imes headline declaring "Confidence of Consumers at 8-Year Low" (Leonhardt, 2001) and in an Economist story reporting, "Consumer confidence is now down to the same level as whenAmerica went into recession in 1990" ("The Kiss of Life," 2001). Two years later, in February 2003, Reuters reported "Consumer Sentiment Hits 9-Year Low" (2003). The Times, Economist and Reuters reports stated that their conclusions were based on an index issued monthly by the University of Michigan, but did not describe the index. Apparendy, the meaning and measurement of "consumer confidence" were considered sufficiently well-known so as not to require explanation. Indeed, the Michigan Index of Consumer Sentiment is reported regularly in the media, along with commentary on its significance for the economy So is another measure, the Consumer Confidence Index issued monthly by the Conference Board.
机译:2001年4月,纽约时报头条宣布“八年来最低的消费者信心”(莱昂哈特,2001年)和《经济学家》报道说,对美国经济的担忧显而易见,“消费者信心现在下降了”。达到与1990年美国经济衰退时相同的水平”(“生命之吻”,2001年)。两年后,即2003年2月,路透社报道了“消费者信心指数创9年新低”(2003年)。 《泰晤士报》,《经济学家》和《路透社》的报告指出,他们的结论基于密歇根大学每月发布的指数,但并未描述该指数。在表面上,“消费者信心”的含义和度量被认为是众所周知的,因此不需要进行解释。确实,媒体定期报道密歇根州消费者信心指数,并对其对经济的重要性进行评论。因此,另一种衡量标准是,由会议委员会每月发布的消费者信心指数。



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