首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Economic Literature >The Ethics of Efficient Markets and Commons Tragedies: A Review of John Broome's Climate Matters: Ethics in a Warming World

The Ethics of Efficient Markets and Commons Tragedies: A Review of John Broome's Climate Matters: Ethics in a Warming World


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What are the ethical implications of our contributions to global warming on an individual level? In his extended essay, John Broome, analyzes the moral implications of our imposing damages on future generations through our greenhouse-gas emissions. He argues that we as individuals owe restitution to those who are in the future damaged by these unjust acts. He suggests that restitution can be accomplished by completely offsetting emissions and thereby having a zero carbon footprint. This review examines the force of his arguments and suggests that offsetting emissions on an individual basis is an imperfect substitute for collective action or more encompassing contributions to those hurt by our externalities.
机译:我们个人对全球变暖做出的贡献有何伦理意义?约翰·布鲁姆(John Broome)在他的扩展文章中,分析了我们通过温室气体排放对后代施加损害的道德含义。他认为,我们个人应归还那些将来受到这些不公正行为损害的人。他建议恢复原状可以通过完全抵消排放量并实现零碳足迹来实现。这篇评论研究了他的论点的力量,并建议以个人为基础抵消排放量不能完全替代集体行动,或者更多地为那些受到我们外部性伤害的人们做出贡献。



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