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The Great Depression of the 1930s: Lessons for Today


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The Great Depression left an indelible mark on the world economy. Beyond the sudden decline and slow recovery of output and prices, nations were forced to reconsider their financial, fiscal, and trade policies going forward. Indeed, many economists blame the lack of experience and slow response of regulators for the depth of the Depression. Crafts and Fearon have taken on the challenge of not only explaining the details of the 1930s, but also forming recommendations for the Great Recession and future crises. To assist them, they have assembled one of the best collections of Great Depression scholars available. The book is not a collection of previously published papers.
机译:大萧条在世界经济上留下了不可磨灭的印记。除了产出和价格的突然下降和缓慢恢复外,各国还被迫重新考虑其未来的金融,财政和贸易政策。实际上,许多经济学家将经济衰退的深度归咎于监管机构缺乏经验和反应迟钝。 Crafts和Fearon不仅要对1930年代的细节进行说明,而且还要为大萧条和未来危机提出建议。为了帮助他们,他们收集了大萧条最好的学者之一。这本书不是以前发表的论文的集​​合。



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