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On the Institutional Theory of Money: Learning from J. R. Commons' Institutional Economics

机译:论金钱制度理论:从J. R. Commons的制度经济学学习

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I collect and organize the essential elements of ITM (institutional theory of money) from Commons' Institutional Economics (1934) and compare them with STM (sovereign theory of money), to make the book more accessible for Japanese researchers. After introduction, I examine how money is treated in Commons' analysis of Capitalism. Then I examine Commons' critical interpretation of Knapp's work, and compare ITM with STM (or Hypothesis of "debt of life"). Finally I consider two research theme related to ITM. The conclusions obtained from the above are as follows: (1) Commons inherited the basic idea of ITM (the whole of "releasable debts" and payment-means should be treated as an institution), from Knapp. Commons' originality consists in his consideration of the historical variability of debts, and in his relativization of Knapp's "state theory" relative to selection of means of private payment. (2) Commons gives detailed explanation to the sequential structure (i.e., power-authority-sovereignty-believes and needs) that supports stability of the money as an institution. (3) In STM's works of social cohesion, study of debts is expanded to non-western and non-modern societies, and central bank moneys in our times. So I find such ITM genealogy as Knapp-Commons-STM.
机译:我收集并组织来自Commons的机构经济学(1934年)的ITM(制度理论)的基本要素,并将其与STM(主权理论)进行比较,以使这本书更加访问日本研究人员。介绍后,我研究了在“资本主义分析”中的金钱。然后我审查了Commons对Knapp的作品的关键解释,并与STM(或生命债务的假设)进行比较ITM。最后,我考虑了与ITM相关的两项研究主题。从上述内容获得的结论如下:(1)公元遗传继承了ITM的基本思想(整个“可释放债务”和支付方式应该被视为一个机构),来自Knapp。 Commons'的原创性在他考虑了债务的历史变异性,以及他相对于私人支付手段的选择的依赖Knapp的“国家理论”。 (2)公元向支持金钱稳定作为一个机构的顺序结构(即,权力权威 - 主权 - 信徒和需求)详细说明。 (3)在STM的社会凝聚力的作品中,债务的研究扩展到非西方和非现代社会,中央银行在我们时代内部。所以我发现这样的ITM系谱为Knapp-Commons-STM。



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