首页> 外文期刊>Journal of economic issues >Integration of and Deliveries among the World Zionist Organization, Israel, and Diaspora Countries: System Articulation with the Social Fabric Matrix

Integration of and Deliveries among the World Zionist Organization, Israel, and Diaspora Countries: System Articulation with the Social Fabric Matrix


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The religious economics (not economics of religion) concern here is the relationship between the World Zionist Organization (WZO) and Israel, which is known as a geopolitical power in its region and which is also known as an economic success story. Joseph Schumpeter and Karl Polanyi explained how the political economy of medieval Europe was influenced and guided by Christian morality. This paper extends the analysis of religious economics by using the social fabric matrix of original institutional economics to define and structure the integration of the WZO, Israel, and the Diaspora countries. This allows us to observe how to conduct such work and to learn how Israel is guided and influenced by the WZO. It also helps to explain Israel's "risk of tearing itself apart" as noted in a recent article in the New York Times.
机译:这里关注的宗教经济学(而不是宗教经济学)是世界犹太复国主义组织(WZO)与以色列之间的关系,该地区被称为该地区的地缘政治强国,也被称为经济成功的故事。约瑟夫·熊彼特(Joseph Schumpeter)和卡尔·波拉尼(Karl Polanyi)解释了中世纪欧洲的政治经济如何受到基督教道德的影响和指导。本文通过使用原始制度经济学的社会结构矩阵来定义和构建WZO,以色列和散居国外国家的整合,从而扩展了对宗教经济学的分析。这使我们能够观察如何开展此类工作,并了解以色列如何受到世界安全组织的指导和影响。正如《纽约时报》最近的一篇文章所指出的,这也有助于解释以色列的“自我分裂的危险”。



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