
Simulation of a Himalayan cloudburst event


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Intense rainfall often leads to floods and landslides in the Himalayan region even with rainfall amounts that are considered comparatively moderate over the plains; for example, 'cloudbursts', which are devastating convective phenomena producing sudden high-intensity rainfall (~ 10 cm per hour) over a small area. Early prediction and warning of such severe local weather systems is crucial to mitigate societal impact arising from the accompanying flash floods. We examine a cloudburst event in the Himalayan region at Shillagarh village in the early hours of 16 July 2003. The storm lasted for less than half an hour, followed by flash floods that affected hundreds of people. We examine the fidelity of MM5 configured with multiple-nested domains (81, 27, 9 and 3 km grid-resolution) for predicting a cloudburst event with attention to horizontal resolution and the cloud microphysics parameterization. The MM5 model predicts the rainfall amount 24 hours in advance. However, the location of the cloudburst is displaced by tens of kilometers.
机译:即使在平原地区降雨相对较少的情况下,强降雨也常常导致喜马拉雅地区发生洪水和山体滑坡。例如“云爆”,这是毁灭性的对流现象,会在小范围内产生突然的高强度降雨(每小时约10厘米)。对如此严峻的当地天气系统进行早期预测和预警,对于减轻随之而来的山洪灾害对社会的影响至关重要。我们检查了2003年7月16日凌晨在Shillagarh村的喜马拉雅地区发生的一次暴雨事件。这场暴风雨持续了不到半小时,随后山洪暴发,数百人受灾。我们检查了配置有多个嵌套域(81、27、9和3 km网格分辨率)的MM5的保真度,以关注水平分辨率和云微物理学参数化来预测突云事件。 MM5模型可提前24小时预测降雨量。但是,阵发性暴风雨的位置错开了几十公里。



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