首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Earth and Planetary Sciences >Petrographic observations suggestive of microbial mats from Rampur Shale and Bijaigarh Shale, Vindhyan basin, India

Petrographic observations suggestive of microbial mats from Rampur Shale and Bijaigarh Shale, Vindhyan basin, India


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Petrographic observations of two Vindhyan black shales (Rampur Shale of the Semri Group and Bijaigarh Shale of the Kaimur Group) revealed the following features: 1. general wavy lamination, 2. contorted and folded thin shreds of organic matter, 3. wavy pyritic laminae. 4. 'teeth and socket' structure. These features are indirect evidence of microbial mat colonization during the Proterozoic. The microbial mats probably fixed carbon at the sediment surface, stabilized sediment and recycled organic matter and were the primary producers, unlike during the Phanerozoic time.
机译:两种Vindhyan黑色页岩(Semri组的Rampur页岩和Kaimur组的Bijaigarh页岩)的岩石学观测结果显示以下特征:1.波浪状叠层; 2.有机物扭曲并折叠成薄片状; 3.波浪状黄铁矿层。 4.“齿与槽”结构。这些特征是元古代期间微生物垫定殖的间接证据。与生代时期不同,微生物垫可能将碳固定在沉积物表面,稳定了沉积物并回收了有机物,是主要的生产者。



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