首页> 外文期刊>Journal of design history >Laying Down Memories: the Cultural Mobility of Tejo Remy's Chest of Drawers

Laying Down Memories: the Cultural Mobility of Tejo Remy's Chest of Drawers

机译:放下回忆:蒂乔·雷米(Tejo Remy)的五斗橱的文化动向

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This article examines Tejo Remy's 1991 chest of drawers, You Can't Lay Down Your Memory, as a 'cultural event', a definitively mobile object, which must be understood as being constituted not as any given iteration of its multiple nature, but in the intersection of these multiplicities as it moves in the flows of culture. Consequently the discussion is centred upon a partial biography of Remy's piece that traces some examples of its incarnations: as a student project; as a part of the Droog collection; as an exemplar of the 'Dutch inflection' in design; and as a decoration for a casino in Las Vegas. In this way the intention is to demonstrate how culture is now defined by the mobilities of its parts; how products such as Remy's strange chest of drawers can be understood as not simply things that are made and then mediated, but as objects that exist in the operation of their mediation.
机译:本文研究了Tejo Remy 1991年的抽屉柜,“你不能放下你的记忆”,这是一种“文化事件”,是一种明确的移动对象,必须理解为它不是由其多重性质的任何给定迭代构成的,而是这些多重性在文化流中的交汇点。因此,讨论的重点是雷米作品的部分传记,该传记追溯了一些化身的例子:作为学生项目;作为Droog系列的一部分;作为设计中“荷兰曲折”的典范;并作为拉斯维加斯赌场的装饰。通过这种方式,目的是展示文化如何通过其各个部分的活动性来定义。如何将诸如雷米奇特的五斗橱之类的​​产品理解为不仅是被制造,然后被调解的事物,而且还可以理解为在调解过程中存在的物体。



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