首页> 外文期刊>Journal of design history >Attitudes Towards Modern Living: The Mid-century Showrooms of Herman Miller and Knoll Associates

Attitudes Towards Modern Living: The Mid-century Showrooms of Herman Miller and Knoll Associates

机译:对现代生活的态度:20世纪中叶Herman Miller和Knoll Associates的陈列室

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The independent manufacturer's furniture showroom, as defined by Herman Miller and Knoll in the mid-twentieth century, presented a highly controlled and controllable context in which both companies and their designers familiarized American architects, designers and consumers with new ideas about living with modern furniture and architecture. Embracing consumerism within a modernist idiom, these mid-century furniture showrooms provided a unique interior typology wherein the reconciliation of modernism, mass-produced goods and personal expression was not only possible, but also accessible. Challenging long-held practices and beliefs within the nation's conservative home furnishings market, Herman Miller and Knoll superseded retail buyers by reaching out directly to customers. The independently-run showrooms allowed both companies to engage their customers in a sophisticated and sustained proposition about the role of modern furniture and architecture in daily life. Examining the showrooms designed for Herman Miller and Knoll Associates during the latter 1940s and early 1950s, this article explores the ways in which these spaces were utilized as both laboratories and showcases, demonstrating the adaptability of modern furniture and interiors to individual lifestyles.
机译:由Herman Miller和Knoll在20世纪中叶定义的独立制造商的家具展厅,展现了高度可控的环境,公司及其设计师都使美国建筑师,设计师和消费者熟悉有关现代家具和家具的新观念。建筑。这些将中世纪的习俗融入现代主义的习俗中,这些世纪中叶的家具陈列室提供了独特的室内类型学,使现代主义,大量生产的商品和个人表达的调和不仅是可能的,而且也是可访问的。在该国保守的家具市场中,长期以来一直存在的做法和信念极具挑战性,Herman Miller和Knoll通过直接与客户接触而取代了零售购买者。独立经营的陈列室使两家公司都能就现代家具和建筑在日常生活中的作用,以复杂而持久的主张吸引客户。在考察1940年代后期和1950年代初为Herman Miller和Knoll Associates设计的陈列室时,本文探讨了如何利用这些空间作为实验室和陈列室,展示了现代家具和室内装饰对个人生活方式的适应性。



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