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Ellen Gates Starr and Frank Lloyd Wright at Hull House: The Machine as the 'Will of Life'


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Frank Lloyd Wright's address 'The Art and Craft of the Machine' is widely remembered as an early manifesto for the modern movement and machine-made simplicity. However, Wright's concept of the 'Machine' was influenced by Louis Sullivan's organic theories of architecture, which combined Victorian science and idealism. An acknowledgement that Wright's Machine was also metaphysical, the 'Will of Life', resituates his characterization of the arts and crafts movement as anachronistic and elitist. Furthermore, Wright delivered his speech at Hull House and directed much of his criticism at the social settlement workers and indirectly at their neighbours, many of whom participated in craft activities after working on machines all day long. Ellen Gates Starr, bookbinder and co-founder of Hull House, responded to Wright's address and agreed that handwork and social work are not synonymous. She also made it clear that neither she, nor other members of the Chicago Arts and Crafts Society were against the machine. Starr's insight drew upon the conditions of contemporary industrial society, while Wright's conception was based on the power of individual genius. This complicates a persistent narrative that the arts and crafts movement failed because its practitioners made expensive, hand-crafted items and refused to embrace standardization.
机译:弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)的演讲“机器的艺术与手工艺”被广泛铭记为现代机芯和机器制造的简单性的早期宣言。但是,赖特(Wright)的“机械”概念受到路易斯·沙利文(Louis Sullivan)的有机建筑理论的影响,该理论将维多利亚时代的科学与唯心主义相结合。承认赖特的机器也是形而上学的“生命的遗迹”,重新确立了他对手工艺运动的过时和精英主义特征。此外,赖特(Wright)在赫尔之家(Hull House)发表演讲,并将大部分批评指向了社会住区工作者,或间接地向了他们的邻居,他们中的许多人整天都在机械上工作后参加了手工艺活动。活页夹订书人和赫尔豪斯(Hull House)联合创始人埃伦·盖茨·斯塔尔(Ellen Gates Starr)对赖特的讲话作了回应,并同意手工和社会工作不是同义词。她还明确表示,她和芝加哥工艺美术学会的其他成员都不反对该机器。斯塔尔的见解借鉴了当代工业社会的条件,而赖特的构想则基于个人天才的力量。这使持久的叙述变得更加复杂,那就是工艺运动失败了,因为它的从业者制造了昂贵的手工制品,并且拒绝接受标准化。



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