首页> 外文期刊>Journal of design history >Soft Control Material: Environment and Design c. 1970

Soft Control Material: Environment and Design c. 1970

机译:软控制材料:环境和设计c。 1970年

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This article explores the conception and development of Soft Control Material (SCM) (1968-1974) as a key case in the mutually inflected development of post-war design and the emergence of the concept of environment. Designed by Warren M. Brodey and Avery R. Johnson, SCM was a suite of interdependent technologies—high and low, digital and analog—comprising a sponge-like material made from foam and/or Freon-filled plastic bladders, special types of valves, and various articulated cladding surfaces. According to its inventors, SCM was not a finite object with a distinct form but was ultimately conceived of as a self-organizing, biomimetic metastructure (both tool and toy) for facilitating new types of human-environment communication; a 'medium' that might, in Brodey's words, 'provide instantaneous feedback and thereby allow infolding with time, memory, energy, [and] relation.' These, in turn, would effect for the subject a virtuous topology of environmental discovery, new types of ecological and 'interspecies' relationships and, ultimately, a conscious evolution of humanity.
机译:本文探讨了软控制材料(SCM)(1968-1974)的概念和开发,将其作为战后设计和环境概念相互影响的关键案例。由沃伦·布罗迪(Warren M. Brodey)和艾利·约翰逊(Avery R. Johnson)设计的SCM是一套相互依赖的技术,包括高,低,数字和模拟,由海绵状材料和/或充满氟利昂的塑料囊,特殊类型的阀门制成,以及各种铰接的包层表面。根据其发明者的观点,SCM不是具有独特形式的有限对象,而是最终被认为是一种自组织的仿生元结构(工具和玩具),用于促进新型的人与环境通信。用布洛迪的话说,“媒介”可能会“提供即时反馈,从而允许随着时间,记忆,能量和[和]关系而折叠”。反过来,这些将对受试者产生有益的环境发现拓扑,新型的生态和“种间”关系,并最终使人类有意识地进化。



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