首页> 外文期刊>Journal of design history >Habitat's Scenographic Imagination

Habitat's Scenographic Imagination


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Habitat, the furniture and household goods retail chain, has been characterized as showing an 'eclectic' approach towards design styles and promoting a 'lifestyle' attitude towards domestic interiors. In an attempt to fill out these two terms and to explore the elusive (and allusive) content of Habitat's eclectic lifestyle this article analyses the domestic scenography presented in three arenas of display that can be seen as being authored by Habitat: the shops themselves; the annual catalogues; and the advice books that were published under the authorship of Terence Conran and promoted and sold by Habitat (although also available more widely). I suggest that one way of recognizing the affective content of Habitat's scenographic imagination is to regard it as constituting a genre that incorporates variety yet also mobilizes a particular set of domestic promises.
机译:人居是家具和日用品零售连锁店,其特点是对设计风格表现出“折衷”的态度,对家庭室内装饰表现出“生活方式”的态度。为了填写这两个术语并探索人居折衷生活方式的难以捉摸的内容,本文分析了在人居间创作的三个展示空间中展示的家庭场景学:商店本身;商店本身;商店本身;商店本身;商店内部;商店内部。年度目录;以及由特伦斯·康兰(Terence Conran)出版,并由人居署推销和出售的建议书(尽管也可以更广泛地获得)。我建议,认识到人居地景想象力的情感内容的一种方法是,将其视为一种既融合了多样性又动员了一系列国内承诺的流派。



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