首页> 外文期刊>Journal of design history >Between the Material Object and its Representation: Chinese Garments on Non-Chinese Bodies at the Sino-African Exhibition of 1911-1912 in Finland

Between the Material Object and its Representation: Chinese Garments on Non-Chinese Bodies at the Sino-African Exhibition of 1911-1912 in Finland


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This article explores the effects of cultural cross-dressing on the balance between the material object and its representation in the context of exhibitions. It builds on Timothy Mitchell's ideas of the exhibitionary order to demonstrate how early twentieth-century western exhibition practices were not uniform but open to experimentation in order to produce increasingly effective displays. The article focuses on the Sino-African missionary exhibition arranged in Finland in 1911-1912 in which mannequins and dress racks were replaced by living displays. Thus, exhibition visitors encountered the organizer and his assistants dressed in traditional brightly-coloured Chinese costumes. In addition to revealing a variety of motives and purposes behind this unorthodox handling and presentation of clothes, the article draws attention to the intertwinement of bodies and dresses originating from different cultures and to the meanings they bring to each other and to the exhibition as a whole. Cultural cross-dressing served to create a lively, multisensory and spectacular show, and it was an effective tool, in the context of the Sino-African missionary exhibition, for making Chinese material culture intelligible and meaningful to its audience. This particular mode of representation both blurred and heightened the spectator's experience of cultural difference between East and West.
机译:本文探讨了文化变装对展览背景下的实物及其代表之间平衡的影响。它建立在蒂莫西·米切尔(Timothy Mitchell)关于展览秩序的思想的基础上,以展示20世纪早期的西方展览实践不是统一的,而是可以进行试验以产生越来越有效的展示的。本文着重介绍于1911-1912年在芬兰举办的中非宣教展览,其中的人体模型和衣帽架被实物展示代替。因此,展览参观者遇到了组织者及其助手身着鲜艳的中国传统服饰。除了揭示这种非传统的服装处理和展示方式背后的各种动机和目的之外,本文还提请注意源自不同文化的身体和衣服的相互缠绕,以及它们相互之间以及整个展览会带来的意义。 。异国文化的装扮创造了一个生动,多感官和壮观的表演,在中非宣教展览的背景下,它是一种有效的工具,可以使中国的物质文化对观众具有可理解性和意义。这种特殊的表达方式既模糊又增加了观众对东西方文化差异的体验。



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