首页> 外文期刊>Journal on Data Semantics >Execution of Knowledge-Intensive Processes by Utilizing Ontology-Based Reasoning

Execution of Knowledge-Intensive Processes by Utilizing Ontology-Based Reasoning


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Modeling and executing knowledge-intensive processes (KiPs) are challenging with state-of-the-art approaches, and the specific demands of KiPs are the subject of ongoing research. In this context, little attention has been paid to the ontology-driven combination of data-centric and semantic business process modeling, which finds additional motivation by enabling the division of labor between humans and artificial intelligence. Such approaches have characteristics that could allow support for KiPs based on the inferencing capabilities of reasoners. We confirm this as we show that reasoners can infer the executability of tasks based on a currently researched ontology- and data-driven business process model (ODD-BP model). Further support for KiPs by the proposed inference mechanism results from its ability to infer the relevance of tasks, depending on the extent to which their execution would contribute to process progress. Besides these contributions along with the execution perspective (start-to-end direction), we will also show how our approach can help to reach specific process goals by inferring the relevance of process elements regarding their support to achieve such goals (end-to-start direction). The elements with the most valuable process progress can be identified in the intersection of both, the execution and goal perspective. This paper will introduce this new approach and verifies its practicability with an evaluation of a KiP in the field of emergency call centers.
机译:建模和执行知识密集型流程(KIPS)与最先进的方法有挑战性,kips的具体需求是正在进行的研究的主题。在这种情况下,对数据中心和语义业务流程建模的本体和语义业务流程建模的组合已经支付了很少的关注,这是通过使人类和人工智能之间的劳动分裂来找到额外的动机。这种方法具有可以根据推理能力的推理能力来支持kips的特征。我们证实了这一点,因为我们表明推理员可以根据目前研究的本体和数据驱动的业务流程模型(奇数BP模型)推断任务的可执行性。通过建议的推理机制进一步支持KIPS,从其推断任务相关性的能力,这取决于其执行的程度会有助于流程进展。除了这些贡献以及执行角度(开始到结束方向)外,我们还将通过推断出于实现这些目标的过程元素的相关性(最终 - 开始方向)。在执行和目标角度的交叉点中,可以识别具有最有价值的流程进展的元素。本文将介绍这种新方法,并通过评估紧急呼叫中心领域的kip来验证其实用性。



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