首页> 外文期刊>Journal of Dairy Science >Nutrition, feeding, and calves: Effect of Applying Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Forage Crops Of Fermentation Characteristics and Aerobic Deterioration of Silage

Nutrition, feeding, and calves: Effect of Applying Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Forage Crops Of Fermentation Characteristics and Aerobic Deterioration of Silage


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Two selected strains, Lactobacillus casei FG 1 and Lactobacillus plantarum FG 10 that were isolated From forage crops were used as additives at 1.0 × 10~5 Cfu/g of fresh matter to alfalfa, Italian ryegrass, and Sorghum, and their effect on fermentation charac- Teristics and aerobic deterioration of silage was Studied. The three silages treated with strains FG 1 Or FG 10 were well preserved; had significantly lower PH values, butyric acid, propionic acid, and ammonia N concentrations, gas production, and dry matter Losses; and had significantly higher contents of Residual water-soluble carbohydrates and lactic acid Than did the respective control silages.
机译:从牧草农作物中分离出的两个菌株,干酪乳杆菌FG 1和植物乳杆菌FG 10被用作添加剂,添加量为1.0×10〜5 Cfu / g新鲜物质至苜蓿,意大利黑麦草和高粱,及其对发酵特性的影响-研究了青贮饲料的有条理和有氧恶化。用FG 1或FG 10菌株处理的三个青贮饲料保存完好; PH值,丁酸,丙酸和氨氮浓度,产气量和干物质损失明显降低;并且残留的水溶性碳水化合物和乳酸含量明显高于相应的对照青贮饲料。



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