首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Investigations on Teat Canal Length in Teats with Milk Flow Disturbances

Investigations on Teat Canal Length in Teats with Milk Flow Disturbances


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The objective of this study was to evaluate teat canal length as a test for tissue ruptures in the area of the teat canal in teats with milk flow disturbances (Medls test). A total of 133 dairy cows affected with milk flow disturbances in one teat were used for this study. The teat canal length of the affected teat was compared with the teat canal length of the contralateral teat of the same cow. Milk flow disturbances were diagnosed by endoscopy. Diagnoses were categorized as tissue rup- tures in the area of the teat canal or other causes such as narrowing of the teat canal, or free foreign bodies in the teat cistern. The median teat canal length was 11 mm in teats with milk flow disturbances, and 8 mm in contralateral control teats. When the test criterion was lengthening of the teat canal by 22 mm, 79/100 of the teat canals with tissue ruptures tested positive (true positive), but 47/100 of teat canals without tissue ruptures also tested positive (false positive). When the test crite- rion was unchanged teat canal length, 47/100 of teat ca- nals with tissue ruptures tested positive, and only 7/100 of teat canals without tissue ruptures tested positive. Thus, it is concluded that Medl's test may be useful in differentiating causes of milk flow disturbances. How- ever, a more accurate diagnosis may be made by teat en- doscopy.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估乳头管的长度,以测试奶流干扰的乳头中乳头管区域的组织破裂(Medls试验)。总共133头奶牛在一头奶头中受到牛奶流动干扰的奶牛被用于这项研究。将患病奶头的乳头管长度与同一头母牛对侧奶头的乳头管长度进行比较。通过内窥镜检查诊断出牛奶流动障碍。诊断分为乳头管区域的组织破裂或其他原因,例如乳头管变窄或乳头水箱中有游离异物。有乳汁流动障碍的乳头的中位乳头管长度为11 mm,对侧对照乳头的中位乳头管长度为8 mm。当测试标准是将乳头管延长22 mm时,有组织破裂的乳头管有79/100呈阳性(真阳性),但没有组织破裂的乳头管有47/100也呈阳性(假阳性)。当测试标准的乳头管长度不变时,有组织破裂的乳头管为47/100呈阳性,而无组织破裂的乳头管只有7/100呈阳性。因此,可以得出结论,Medl检验可能有助于区分牛奶流扰动的原因。但是,通过乳头肠镜可以做出更准确的诊断。



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