首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >SYMPOSIUM: HORMONAL REGULATION OF MILK SYNTHESIS Hormones, Mammary Growth, and Lactation: a 41-Year Perspective

SYMPOSIUM: HORMONAL REGULATION OF MILK SYNTHESIS Hormones, Mammary Growth, and Lactation: a 41-Year Perspective


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When I was a beginning graduate student 41 yr ago it had been established that estrogen caused mammary duct growth; a combination of estrogen and progester- one was required for lobule-alveolar development of the mammary glands; and prolactin and growth hormone were essential for mammary growth. In laboratory spe- cies exogenous prolactin, glucocorticoids, and estrogen would initiate secretion of milk provided the mammary glands had a well-developed lobule-alveolar system. It was not known with certainty that progesterone inhib- ited the process. For some species, prolactin and thyrox- ine had been shown to stimulate lactation, while gluco- corticoids suppressed lactation. Definitive roles for growth hormone and insulin during lactation had not been established. Studies of hormonal control of mam- mary growth and function in cattle were few. In vitro methods to study hormonal regulation of the mammary glands were in their infancy. Quantitative measures of changes in mammary cell numbers and specific compo- nents of milk in response to hormones were rare. The concepts for quantification of hormone concentrations, hormone receptors, growth factors, and binding pro- teins in blood; hormonal regulation of nutrient parti- tioning; and hormonally induced mechanisms of action within mammary cells were waiting to be discovered. And eventually they were. However, lest we become too enamored with our current understanding of the hormones that control mammary growth and lactation, it remains a fact that the greatest physiological stimu- lus for milk yield is pregnancy, not some cocktail of exogenous hormones, growth factors, receptor agonists/ antagonists, or gene therapies. Viva la mom!
机译:41年前,当我还是一名研究生时,已经确定雌激素会导致乳腺生长。雌激素和孕激素的结合-乳腺小叶-肺泡发育需要一种;催乳素和生长激素对于乳腺生长至关重要。在实验室中,如果乳腺具有成熟的小叶-肺泡系统,则外源性催乳素,糖皮质激素和雌激素将启动乳汁的分泌。尚不确定黄体酮能抑制这一过程。对于某些物种,已证明催乳激素和甲状腺素可刺激泌乳,而糖皮质激素可抑制泌乳。尚未确定泌乳期间生长激素和胰岛素的决定性作用。激素控制牛的哺乳动物生长和功能的研究很少。研究乳腺激素调节的体外方法尚处于婴儿期。很少有定量的方法来测定乳汁对激素的反应对乳腺细胞数量和特定成分的影响。定量血液中激素浓度,激素受体,生长因子和结合蛋白的概念;激素对营养物分配的调节;乳腺细胞内的激素诱导作用机制正在等待发现。最终他们成为了。但是,为免使我们对目前控制乳腺生长和泌乳的激素过于迷恋,仍然有一个事实是,对产奶量最大的生理刺激不是怀孕,而是外源激素,生长因子和受体激动剂的混合物。 /拮抗剂或基因疗法。万岁妈妈!



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