首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Genetic Correlations Among Body Condition Score, Yield, and Fertility in First-Parity Cows Estimated by Random Regression Models

Genetic Correlations Among Body Condition Score, Yield, and Fertility in First-Parity Cows Estimated by Random Regression Models


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Twenty type classifiers scored body condition (BCS) of 91, 738 first-parity cows from 601 sires and 5518 ma - ternal grandsires. Fertility data during first lactation were extracted for 177, 220 cows, of which 67, 278 also had a BCS observation, and first-lactation 305-d milk, fat, and protein yields were added for 180, 631 cows. Heritabilities and genetic correlations were estimated Using a sire - maternal grandsire model. Heritability of BCS was 0.38. Heritabilities for fertility traits were low (0.01 to 0.07), but genetic standard deviations were substantial, 9 d for days to first service and calving interval, 0.25 for number of services, and 5/100 for first - service conception.
机译:二十种类型的分类器对来自601头公母和5518头母体后代的91头738头胎的牛的身体状况(BCS)进行了评分。提取了177头220头母牛的初次泌乳期间的生育力数据,其中67头278头也进行了BCS观察,并为180头631头母牛增加了初泌305天的牛奶,脂肪和蛋白质产量。遗传性和遗传相关性使用父系-母系祖父系模型进行估算。 BCS的遗传力为0.38。生育性状的遗传力较低(0.01至0.07),但遗传标准偏差较大,首次服务和产犊间隔为9 d,服务次数为0.25,首次服务概念为5/100。



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