首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy science >Evaluation of a Systemic Antibiotic Treatment of Toxic Puerperal Metritis in Dairy Cows

Evaluation of a Systemic Antibiotic Treatment of Toxic Puerperal Metritis in Dairy Cows


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and economic efficiency of a systemic treatment of toxic puerperal metritis in dairy cows with ceftiofur. Cows with abnormal vaginal discharge at a postpartum ex - amination (d 4 to 6 after calving) and a rectal tempera - ture ≥ 39.5 deg. C were assigned to three treatment groups. Cows in group 1 (n =70) received 600 mg of ceftiofur Intramuscularly (i.m.) on 3 consecutive days. Cows in Group 2 (n = 79) received an intrauterine treatment With antibiotic pills consisting of 2500 mg of ampicillin And 2500 mg of cloxacillin and an additional 6000 mg (i. m) of ampicillin.
机译:这项研究的目的是评估头孢噻呋对奶牛中毒性产褥期子宫炎的全身治疗的疗效和经济效益。产后检查(产犊后第4至6天)白带异常分泌物且直肠温度≥39.5度的母牛。 C被分为三个治疗组。第1组(n = 70)的母牛连续3天肌内(i.m.)接受600 mg头孢噻呋。第2组(n = 79)的母牛接受了宫内治疗,抗生素治疗包括2500 mg氨苄青霉素和2500 mg cloxacillin以及另外6000 mg(i。m)氨苄青霉素。



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