首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy research >Staphylococcus aureus leucocidin, a virulence factor in bovine mastitis

Staphylococcus aureus leucocidin, a virulence factor in bovine mastitis


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The involvement of Staphylococcus aureus exosecretions in bovine udder infection (Younis et al. 2003) suggests that four different monomer protein bands appearing between 36 and 31 kDa, are associated with the severity of the cow's infection response. Three out of these four bands have been identified by means of protein sequencing. Band B, with a MW of 35 kDa was identified as Panton-Valentaine leucocidin LukF′-PV chain- Staph. aureus; band C, with a MW of 32 kDa was identified as leucocidin chain LukM precursor- Staph. aureus; and band D was found to be similar, but not identical, to phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase-C-X. Bands B and C were purified by gel filtration using FPLC. The ability of these proteins to induce udder inflammation in vivo, and proliferation response in vitro and cytokine secretion were tested for both the crude exosecretions and purified bands. Three cows were inoculated intracisternally, with three quarters receiving either 0.007-0.008 mg (as total proteins) of Staph. aureus FR2449/1 bacterial exosecretion, pooled fraction 39-41 (bands B and C), or culture broth medium. The fourth quarter was left free as a control. Quarters that received fraction 39-41 of Staph. aureus FR2449/1, exhibited induced inflammation, which was indicated by increased somatic cell count and enhanced NAGase activity that was significantly higher than that of the original Staph. aureus FR2449/1 bacterial exosecretion. Proliferation tests of bovine blood lymphocytes in vitro showed that the pooled fraction 39-41 stimulated bovine proliferation of mononuclear cells much more than the original Staph. aureus FR2449/1 bacterial exosecretion. Secretion of TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8 was in accordance with the contents of LukF′-PV and LukM precursor in the exosecretions. The results suggest that LukM/ LukF′ induce inflammation into the udder by a mechanism similar to that of LPS or by a unique mechanism(s) which requires further investigation.
机译:金黄色葡萄球菌排泄物参与牛乳房感染(Younis等人,2003年)表明,出现在36至31 kDa之间的四个不同的单体蛋白带与母牛感染反应的严重程度有关。这四个条带中的三个已通过蛋白质测序鉴定。 MW为35kDa的带B被鉴定为Panton-Valentaineleucocidin LukF'-PV链-Staph。金黄色MW为32kDa的C带被鉴定为亮氨酸结合素链LukM前体-Staph。金黄色发现带D与磷脂酰肌醇特异性磷脂酶-C-X相似但不相同。带B和C通过使用FPLC的凝胶过滤来纯化。这些蛋白质在体内诱导乳房炎症的能力以及体外增殖反应和细胞因子分泌的能力均针对粗排泄和纯化条带进行了测试。将三头母牛的脑池内接种,四分之三的母牛接受0.007-0.008 mg(作为总蛋白)的葡萄球菌。金黄色葡萄球菌FR2449 / 1细菌排泄,合并级分39-41(B和C条)或培养液培养基。第四季度留作控制。接受金黄色葡萄球菌39-41分的宿舍。金黄色葡萄球菌FR2449 / 1表现出诱导的炎症,其表现为体细胞计数增加和NAGase活性增强,其活性明显高于原始葡萄球菌。金黄色葡萄球菌FR2449 / 1细菌分泌。体外牛血淋巴细胞的增殖测试表明,合并的级分39-41刺激牛单个核细胞的增殖远大于原始葡萄球菌。金黄色葡萄球菌FR2449 / 1细菌分泌。 TNF-α,IL-1β,IL-6和IL-8的分泌与分泌物中LukF'-PV和LukM前体的含量一致。结果表明,LukM / LukF'通过类似于LPS的机制或需要进一步研究的独特机制诱导炎症进入乳房。



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