首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy research >Effect of different milking routines on milking-related release of the hormones oxytocin, prolactin and cortisol, and on milk yield and milking performance in Murrah buffaloes.

Effect of different milking routines on milking-related release of the hormones oxytocin, prolactin and cortisol, and on milk yield and milking performance in Murrah buffaloes.


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Milking-related release of oxytocin, prolactin, and cortisol was studied following three pre-milking treatments. Six Murrah buffaloes were treated with direct application of milking cluster (O), a 1-min pre-stimulation (M), and combined feeding and pre-stimulation (MF). Machine milk yield, stripping yield and milk composition were recorded. Milk ejection occurred significantly earlier with MF than M and O (P<0.05; 2.50, 5.10 and 6.33 min, respectively). In all treatments, milk ejection occurred with small increases >3-5 ng/l in oxytocin concentration. Increase in oxytocin concentration over a threshold level and milk ejection occurred simultaneously and were closely correlated (r=0.83, P<0.05). There was a positive correlation between total time oxytocin concentration remained elevated over threshold levels and machine yield (r=0.86, P<0.05). For treatment O, milk ejection was inhibited during machine milking, while a marked increase in oxytocin occurred during hand stripping (6 and 16 ng/l, respectively). For treatment M, mean oxytocin concentrations remained unchanged during pre-stimulation but increased during subsequent machine milking and hand stripping (6.38, 18.06 and 12.36 ng/l, respectively). For treatment MF, although there was a 3.6-fold increase during pre-stimulation, oxytocin increased by 10-fold and 3-fold during machine milking and hand stripping, and was significant for machine milking (P<0.05, 17.32, 47.86, 18.13 ng/l, respectively). Milk-ejection-related cortisol release was visible only in treatment MF. For treatments O and M, prolactin concentration increased prior to the increase in oxytocin. The stripping yield was higher, and fat content in the stripping yield significantly lower, for treatment O indicating incomplete milking. Thus buffaloes are easily disturbed even by small changes in milking routines.
机译:在三种预挤奶处理之后,研究了与催产素,催乳素和皮质醇有关的挤奶相关释放。通过直接应用挤奶簇(O),1分钟的预刺激(M)以及喂养和预刺激(MF)的组合来处理6个Murrah水牛。记录机器牛奶产量,汽提产量和牛奶组成。 MF比M和O明显早于牛奶排出(P <0.05; 2.50、5.10和6.33分钟)。在所有治疗中,催产素浓度均出现> 3-5 ng / l的小幅增加而出现乳汁排出。催产素浓度的增加超过阈值水平,并且牛奶排出同时发生并且密切相关(r = 0.83,P <0.05)。催产素浓度持续升高超过阈值水平的总时间与机器产量之间存在正相关(r = 0.86,P <0.05)。对于处理O,在机器挤奶过程中抑制了乳汁排出,而在手工剥离过程中催产素显着增加(分别为6和16 ng / l)。对于治疗M,催产素的平均浓度在预刺激期间保持不变,但在随后的机器挤奶和手剥过程中增加(分别为6.38、18.06和12.36 ng / l)。对于MF治疗,虽然预刺激过程中增加了3.6倍,但催产素在机器挤奶和手剥过程中分别增加了10倍和3倍,并且对于机器挤奶具有显着意义(P <0.05、17.32、47.86、18.13 ng / l)。牛奶喷射相关的皮质醇释放仅在治疗MF中可见。对于处理O和M,催产素增加之前催乳素浓度增加。对于处理O而言,汽提产率较高,而汽提产率中的脂肪含量明显较低,表明挤奶不完全。因此,即使挤奶程序稍有变化,水牛也很容易受到干扰。



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