首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy research >L-lactate dehydrogenase and N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase activities in bovine milk as indicators of non-specific mastitis

L-lactate dehydrogenase and N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase activities in bovine milk as indicators of non-specific mastitis


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Systematic factors affecting the activities of L-lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase (NAGase) and somatic cell count (SCC), the association between the activities of LDH and NAGase and SCC with respect to udder health status, and the ability of LDH and NAGase to classify cows in udder health categories for early detection of mastitis were studied. A dataset of records from 74 Danish Holstein, 76 Danish Red and 47 Jersey cows on one research farm was used. Cows were grouped into healthy and clinically mastitic. A healthy cow was defined as having no veterinary treatment and SCC < 100000 cells/ml. A clinically infected cow was one receiving veterinary treatment after showing clinical signs of mastitis and SCC > 800 000 cells/ml. Breed, month of production, and days in milk significantly influenced (P < 0.001) LDH activity, NAGase activity and SCC in both healthy and clinically mastitic cows. In healthy cows, LDH activity, NAGase activity and SCC started at a high level immediately after calving and decreased to low levels approximately 30-40 d post partum. All the three parameters increased due to clinical mastitis. NAGase activity had numerically higher variation in healthy cows than in clinically mastitic cows (CV = 56.2% v. CV = 53.5%). The relationship between LDH activity and SCC was stronger in milk from clinically mastitic than from healthy cows (r=0.76 v. r=0.48 and r=0.67 v. r=0.44 for correlation of observed values and residuals, respectively). LDH activity had higher sensitivity than NAGase activity (73-95% v. 35-77%) while specificities were in a similar range (92-99%). Further, sensitivities for LDH activity were more robust to changes in the threshold value than those for NAGase activity. Opportunities for automated, in-line real-time mastitis detection are discussed.
机译:影响L-乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)和N-乙酰-β-D-氨基葡萄糖苷酶(NAGase)和体细胞计数(SCC)的系统性因素,LDH和NAGase活性与SCC在乳房健康方面的关联研究了LDH和NAGase在乳腺健康类别中对奶牛进行分类以早期发现乳腺炎的能力。使用了一个研究农场的74头丹麦荷斯坦奶牛,76头丹麦红奶牛和47头泽西奶牛的记录数据集。母牛被分为健康的和临床上的乳香。将健康的母牛定义为未经兽医治疗且SCC <100000细胞/ ml。一名临床感染的母牛在表现出乳腺炎的临床体征和SCC> 80万个细胞/毫升后接受兽医治疗。健康和临床奶牛的LDH活性,NAGase活性和SCC显着影响(P <0.001)LDH活性,NAGase活性和SCC。在健康的母牛中,产犊后LDH活性,NAGase活性和SCC立即开始以高水平开始,并在产后约30-40 d降至低水平。由于临床乳腺炎,所有三个参数均增加。在健康奶牛中,NAGase活性的变化程度要比在临床上乳化奶牛中高(CV = 56.2%v。CV = 53.5%)。在临床乳汁中,LDH活性和SCC之间的关系比健康奶牛更强(对于观察值和残差的相关性,r = 0.76 v。r = 0.48和r = 0.67 v。r = 0.44)。 LDH活性的敏感性高于NAGase活性(73-95%对35-77%),而特异性在相似范围内(92-99%)。此外,对于LDH活性的敏感性比对NAGase活性的敏感性更强。讨论了自动在线实时乳腺炎检测的机会。



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