首页> 外文期刊>Journal of dairy research >Hypertonic NaCl infusions affect milk composition in goats

Hypertonic NaCl infusions affect milk composition in goats


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The capability of goats to maintain milk production during water deprivation is remarkable and not yet fully understood. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether intravenous infusions of hypertonic NaCl cause release of both vasopressin and oxytocin and whether the peptides, in combination with the hyperosmolality, affect milk flow and milk composition. Six Swedish domestic landrace goats in their first to third lactation were milked every 30 min during experiments. Hypertonic NaCl (HNaCl) or isotonic NaCl (IsoNaCl) were infused for 90 min. Goats were not allowed to drink during infusions. Plasma vasopressin concentration increased during HNaCl infusions, and did not change in response to IsoNaCl infusions. Plasma oxytocin concentration did not change during either infusion. Milk flow was maintained during the infusions. Milk fat concentration decreased in the three samples taken before onset of the infusions, but then increased gradually during HNaCl infusions, while it continued to fall during the IsoNaCl infusions. Milk osmolality followed the rise in plasma osmolality during the HNaCl infusions and did not change in IsoNaCl experiments. Milk lactose concentration increased throughout both series of experiments, the concentration being higher during HNaCl infusions. Milk protein concentration did not change during HNaCl infusions, but fell in the IsoNaCl experiments. It is concluded that the hyperosmolality in combination with elevated plasma vasopressin levels did not disturb the secretory activity of the mammary cells, but rather facilitated emptying of the alveolar milk. Such a mechanism may help to explain the sustained milk production in water deprived goats.
机译:山羊在缺水期间维持牛奶生产的能力是显着的,尚未得到充分了解。本研究的目的是研究静脉输注高渗氯化钠是否会引起加压素和催产素的释放,以及这些肽与高渗性结合是否会影响乳汁流量和乳汁成分。实验期间,每30分钟对六只瑞典本土长尾山羊进行第一次至第三次泌乳。高渗氯化钠(HNaCl)或等渗氯化钠(IsoNaCl)注入90分钟。输液期间不允许山羊饮用。 HNaCl输注期间血浆加压素浓度增加,并且对IsoNaCl输注没有反应。两次输注期间血浆催产素浓度均未改变。输液期间保持牛奶流动。输注开始前采集的三个样品中的乳脂浓度下降,但在HNaCl输注过程中逐渐升高,而在IsoNaCl输注过程中持续下降。在输注HNaCl期间,血浆渗透压的升高是牛奶渗透压的升高,在IsoNaCl实验中并未改变。在这两个系列的实验中,牛奶乳糖浓度都增加了,在输注HNaCl期间浓度更高。输注HNaCl期间,乳蛋白浓度没有变化,但在IsoNaCl实验中下降了。结论是高渗透压与血浆加压素水平升高相结合并没有干扰乳腺细胞的分泌活性,而是促进了肺泡乳的排空。这种机制可能有助于解释缺水山羊持续产奶的情况。



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