首页> 外文期刊>Zeitschrift fur kulturtechnik und landentwicklung >Sustainable Land Development and Land Management in Urban and Rural Areas - About Surveyors' Contribution to Building a Better World

Sustainable Land Development and Land Management in Urban and Rural Areas - About Surveyors' Contribution to Building a Better World


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The global urbanization process proceeds inevitably, although structural differences can be identified between industrialized and developing countries. At the same time the problems in cities and other urban settlements are increasing rapidly. To respond to these challenges UNCHS (Habitat) decided in 1999 to start two campaigns: the Global Campaign for Security of Tenure and the Global Campaign on Urban Governance. At the Special Session of the UN General Assembly for the review and overall appraisal of the implementation of the Habitat Agenda - known as Istanbul + 5 - that took place in New York in June 2001 the fact that the problems in urban areas can not be solved without interrelationship between urban and rural areas was widely acknowledged. The fact that rural areas can not be neglected was highly emphasized and an improved balance between urban and rural areas called for. Thus the General Assembly very clearly acknowledged the Rural 21 Declaration, confirmed in Potsdam, which stresses the need for an own policy for rural areas which are currently underestimated by many states in the world. Integrated concepts and performance indicators are urgently needed to achieve sustainable land management and land development in both urban and rural areas. Various land and property regulations - including e.g. access to land and land consolidation - are indispensable tools in this process. But this is not enough. It is essential to develop holistic and future oriented development concepts, but also broadly varied infrastructure for all purposes, sustainable land use concepts, resource management, conflict management, participation in the planning processes are all necessary. Surveyors with their expertise and knowledge in different disciplines can considerably contribute in building a better world and e.g. in the spatial data information sector in a way that can not be predicted today. In the presentation the role of surveyors and professionals in the planning and implementation processes as well as interaction with the policy makers will further be discussed. FIG Commissions 7, 8 and 10 are pointing the direction how surveyors can be more engaged in land development and land management. Finally, the new Master's degree education program on Land Management and Land Tenure in urban and rural areas at the Technical University of Munich will be described.
机译:尽管可以确定工业化国家与发展中国家之间的结构差异,但全球城市化进程不可避免地进行。同时,城市和其他城市居民区的问题正在迅速增加。为了应对这些挑战,人类住区中心(人居中心)于1999年决定发起两项运动:全球权属安全运动和全球城市治理运动。在2001年6月在纽约举行的联合国大会特别会议上,对《人居议程》(称为“伊斯坦布尔+ 5”)的执行情况进行了审查和总体评估,这一事实无法解决城市地区的问题城乡之间没有相互关系是众所周知的。人们高度强调不能忽视农村地区这一事实,并呼吁改善城乡之间的平衡。因此,大会非常清楚地承认在波茨坦确认的《 21世纪农村宣言》,该宣言强调有必要针对农村地区制定自己的政策,而目前世界上许多国家都低估了这一政策。为了在城市和农村地区实现可持续的土地管理和土地开发,迫切需要综合的概念和绩效指标。各种土地和财产法规-包括获得土地和土地整理-在此过程中是必不可少的工具。但这还不够。发展整体的和面向未来的发展概念至关重要,但对于所有目的而言,基础设施也应千差万别,可持续土地利用概念,资源管理,冲突管理,参与计划过程都是必要的。拥有不同学科专业知识的测量师可以为建立更美好的世界做出巨大贡献,例如在空间数据信息领域以今天无法预测的方式。在演讲中,将进一步讨论测量师和专业人员在规划和实施过程中的作用以及与决策者的互动。图委员会7、8和10指出了如何使测量师更多地参与土地开发和土地管理的方向。最后,将介绍慕尼黑工业大学关于城市和农村地区土地管理和土地保有权的新硕士学位教育计划。



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