首页> 外文期刊>Journal for Cultural Research >The Problems of Irony: Philosophical Reflection on Method, Discourse and Interpretation

The Problems of Irony: Philosophical Reflection on Method, Discourse and Interpretation


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This article provides a broad overview of the problem of irony to contemporary hermeneutics. It offers a thematic account of the effects of irony on interpretation, and argues that the problems of irony are embedded within the relation between the free play of irony and the regulative role of interpretative discourse. It argues, against hermeneutic theories such as that of Hans-Georg Gadamer, that the “problems” which irony poses for interpretation can be seen as symptomatic of irony's identification: that irony is, essentially, problematic. It argues that any account of irony needs to account for the value of irony as a problem, rather than subsuming such problems into larger models of understanding. The article explores this notion by looking at the interpretative “discourse of irony” and noting its thematic features. It is argued that the account of irony as a negation of meaning is intrinsically tied to the construction of a sovereign economy in response to the excesses of ironic possibility, but that such a construction is determined only by the stepping-away from the initial ironic possibilities which enabled its construction. Using the work of Gadamer as an example, the article argues that this in itself does not close irony, but produces yet more irony which frustrates the interpretative act while lending itself to interpretative possibility.
机译:本文提供了对当代诠释学的讽刺问题的广泛概述。它提供了关于反讽对解释影响的专题说明,并认为反讽的问题嵌入了反讽的自由发挥与解释性话语的调节作用之间的关系。它与汉斯-乔治·加达默尔(Hans-Georg Gadamer)的解释学理论相反,认为具有讽刺意味的解释的“问题”可以看作是对讽刺的认同的征兆:讽刺本质上是有问题的。它认为,任何具有讽刺意味的解释都需要将反讽的价值视为一个问题,而不是将此类问题归入更大的理解模型中。本文通过研究解释性的“反讽话语”并指出其主题特征来探讨这一概念。有人认为,反讽是对意义的否定,其内在地与主权经济的建构联系在一起,以应对过度讽刺的可能性,但是这种建构只能由摆脱最初的讽刺可能性来决定。这使得它的建设。文章以加达默尔的著作为例,认为这本身并不能消除讽刺,反而会产生更多的讽刺,使解释行为受挫,同时又赋予解释可能性。



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