首页> 外文期刊>Journal for Cultural Research >Centrifugal Bostons and Competing Imaginaries in Mystic River

Centrifugal Bostons and Competing Imaginaries in Mystic River


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Dennis Lehane's novel Mystic River and Clint Eastwood's film of the same name navigate between various binaries to produce politically assiduous critiques of urban life that defy genre and film noir in particular. Both Bakhtin's concept of heteroglossia and Lefebvre's notion of abstract space resonate with the film's cinematic techniques and mise en scne in ways that enable the viewer to draw meaning from the film that cannot be attributed to the plot itself. The film decenters urban experiences and blurs traditional boundaries towards a tragic effect, and perhaps intentionally fails to fully represent the pain and confusion that its characters embody. The cinematic refusal to arrive at any definitive ethical conclusions contributes to the biting critique of anti-ideal urban life as it is portrayed within a particular Boston neighborhood.
机译:丹尼斯·勒哈内(Dennis Lehane)的小说《神秘河》和克林特·伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)的同名电影在不同的二进制文件之间导航,从而产生了对城市生活的政治刻苦批判,尤其是无视流派和黑色电影。巴赫金的异性恋概念和勒费弗尔的抽象空间概念都与电影的电影技术产生共鸣,并以某种方式使观众能够从电影中汲取无法归因于情节本身的意义。这部电影使城市体验失去中心,模糊了传统界限,产生了悲剧性的效果,也许有意未能完全体现其角色所体现的痛苦和困惑。电影拒绝得出任何明确的伦理结论,这是因为它被描绘在特定的波士顿社区内,引起了对反理想城市生活的尖锐批评。



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